Where does the Republican party go after Trump?

The Republicans are not really a conservative party anymore. I used to think that the Republicans were a loosely held together alliance of conflicting ideologies (social conservatism, fiscal conservatism, neoconservatism, libertarianism), but Trump has proven that the entire thing was kind of a sham. Trump isn't a conservative, has zero family values and has openly mocked religion, and has plans to loot the treasury (e.g. tax breaks for the rich, everyone else gets an empty sack) and blow a hole in the debt the size of Texas.

On second thought, Americans are stupid and will be blaming the next president for not cleaning up Trump's mess fast enough, then will elect someone worse Trump. Rinse and repeat.

only if anyone believes the conservative ideas have any validity.

trump exists because the conservative ideas area all bullshit

your base bailed on the ideas that screwed their lives

your lies failed and created a monster
You fuckers have been sleazing at the bottom ever since you officially morphed into the democrat party. ;)

there is no democrat party asshole

you are soooo uninformed you cant even get the party name correct

bad information in means bad decisions out