where has everyone gone?

I think in this kind of economy people seek pleasant thoughts and arguing politics when some are just so fact resistant gets old.

Offering my free translation services in this case "fact resistant" means being a Republican and not supporting what the Democrats are doing.
No its things like holding the entire government in your hands and then trying to blame the other guys for the mess you leave behind afterwards.
No its things like holding the entire government in your hands and then trying to blame the other guys for the mess you leave behind afterwards.

They all do that no matter which party or country you happen to be in.

Our government have been in for 12 years and are still blaming everything on the last lot.
I wonder what kind of a world we could have if people were willing to own their mistakes and actually learn form them.

Maybe we could stop killing each other for a change.
Don't think that's it. Perhaps many just want a circle dance? With few exceptions most only are nasty to anyone who doesn't agree with the vocal prolific posters.

There are some folks that are at least civil, but too many are not. They don't give new or 'minority' posters a chance to figure out who's who.

To true. Sometimes the tone is a bit to hostile in here.

The problem is, how do you find a nice way to tell a paranoid delusional maniac like Asshat Zombie that he's a paranoid delusional maniac? You see my dilema?
Don't think that's it. Perhaps many just want a circle dance? With few exceptions most only are nasty to anyone who doesn't agree with the vocal prolific posters.

There are some folks that are at least civil, but too many are not. They don't give new or 'minority' posters a chance to figure out who's who.

SHut up, cunt.
we all know each other so it's fruitless to argue at this point. We know everyones positions before we start, so there is much less to discuss and debate. we just need new blood, and not just one or two new people trickling in, we need like..20


Part of the problem is the writing. There are to many, and I"m not pointing fingers here, "Man Bites Dog" postiings.

Nothing to discuss on a forum that starts with a loaded statement or question. Say what you want to about Dixie, he knows how to start a thread. How many of his have on to hundreds of responses.

A recruiting would help but I fear were bucking against a slow news cycles. Other then the continuing saga of the financial melt down, there hasn't been a whole lot happening.
They all do that no matter which party or country you happen to be in.

Our government have been in for 12 years and are still blaming everything on the last lot.
That's because it couldn't possibly be the Labour Party's fault.
I wonder what kind of a world we could have if people were willing to own their mistakes and actually learn form them.

Maybe we could stop killing each other for a change.

Whaaa? You want to make the economy even worse?

Mega bucks in the killing industries.
I've been in Vancouver BC all weekend, celebrating the start of my Spring Break, and the recent acquisition of a passport. Loved it up there! My friend explained the game of Curling to me (minus the actual point system), and I got to hear a lot of old music in the bars I went to. Highlight would have to be meeting a homeless guy named Steve, and him becoming our tourguide for 15 minutes, eventually leading us to the best bar I've ever been inside!


Yo, people! I went to fucking Canada this past weekend!!!
I wasnt coming around as often because of all the negativity. It seems to be getting a little less harsh lately tho.
I guess I have helped carry the hostilities on too much. Not election related, just personal venting I suppose.
Apology accepted. Thanks for admitting you're a dick.

I was apologizing to the civil types. I doubt you would qualify for that title.

I admit to being a dick towards at least one member of our little gang here.