Where is Limbaugh on days like today?


New member
You can always count ol' Rush (plus one of our own JPP posters) to come out on a freezing day in April with the goofy, absolutely stupid "there's your global warming, folks!"

Why is he so silent on the subject in the midst of the current heat wave? Or when we've experienced 2 of the warmest months on record this year alone? Or as we've seen greater extremes in weather over the past few years, with even worse predictions heading into next year:

You can always count ol' Rush (plus one of our own JPP posters) to come out on a freezing day in April with the goofy, absolutely stupid "there's your global warming, folks!"

Why is he so silent on the subject in the midst of the current heat wave? Or when we've experienced 2 of the warmest months on record this year alone? Or as we've seen greater extremes in weather over the past few years, with even worse predictions heading into next year:


Have you been listening to his show?
Have you been listening to his show?

I do listen once in awhile, and I generally check the website.

I will bet my house, everything in my account & my car that he has not pointed out the heat wave, and the extremes in weather, and said anything akin to "You know, folks, maybe I was wrong about that cold weather in April; maybe there IS something to this global warming thing..."
I do listen once in awhile, and I generally check the website.

I will bet my house, everything in my account & my car that he has not pointed out the heat wave, and the extremes in weather, and said anything akin to "You know, folks, maybe I was wrong about that cold weather in April; maybe there IS something to this global warming thing..."

I think that's a safe bet.
I do listen once in awhile, and I generally check the website.

I will bet my house, everything in my account & my car that he has not pointed out the heat wave, and the extremes in weather, and said anything akin to "You know, folks, maybe I was wrong about that cold weather in April; maybe there IS something to this global warming thing..."
No, he is likely saying, "Libs will be saying, 'Thee! We were right Rush!'" in that faux ghey voice he uses when making fun of Liberals.
Everytime I have tuned in lately the guy is on vacation. Does he ever work?

What ever happened to hard works being the American way?
I do listen once in awhile, and I generally check the website.

I will bet my house, everything in my account & my car that he has not pointed out the heat wave, and the extremes in weather, and said anything akin to "You know, folks, maybe I was wrong about that cold weather in April; maybe there IS something to this global warming thing..."

I don't listen to him because I'm at work during the day but I just went and checked his website from yesterday and it said "Tease: Global Warming News Coming Tomorrow."
He was working yesterday. He was all upset about Gingrich's calling the war "phony." He actually said "I don't know what he was trying to say, but it's not helping."

The truth never helps conservatives like Rush.
He was working yesterday. He was all upset about Gingrich's calling the war "phony." He actually said "I don't know what he was trying to say, but it's not helping."

The truth never helps conservatives like Rush.

Oh really? That's hysterical, I was wondering how the real nutballs were reacting to Newt's comments.
These guys are emotionally invested in not admitting they were wrong. They spent 20 years poo-pooing the scientists who were warning about this.

I don't understand why they hate so much to admit they were wrong. Is their ego more important than their children's future on the planet?

Lorax was right to point out the ever-shifting anti-global warming argument. We need to add a new one to that list:

Some cons are trying to thread a neeedle, to avoid admitting they were wrong: I've been seeing the argument from Cons that we need to regulate all pollution, even if we don't know if CO2 is causing global warming. This is a brilliant rhetorical device to not admit you were wrong, but still address the problem.

The major flaw in this, is that you can't legally regulate CO2, unless you can demonstrate that it's a pollutant. Since CO2 is neither toxic, carcinogenic, or any other kind of public health nuisance, its not like a traditional pollutant.

One would actually have to make a finding, that CO2 is a public health hazard becasue of its affects on global warming before you could regulate it.
"I don't understand why they hate so much to admit they were wrong. Is their ego more important than their children's future on the planet?"

You can always count ol' Rush (plus one of our own JPP posters) to come out on a freezing day in April with the goofy, absolutely stupid "there's your global warming, folks!"

Why is he so silent on the subject in the midst of the current heat wave? Or when we've experienced 2 of the warmest months on record this year alone? Or as we've seen greater extremes in weather over the past few years, with even worse predictions heading into next year:


Rush has skewered moore of you lefties, even than I have cyber-skewered, and that ain't chicken feed? He has put this global warming nonsense in its place, where it belongs, and made libs look like the pinheads that they are, when they call him and complain that they were at the beach, and they got a hot foot from the sand? I never laughed so hard as when that lefty fool called up Rush, and Rush started jumping around imitating the lefty with the hot foot at the beach, ho ho ha ha. I have emailed Rush about past boards I have posted on, and he has read them, and gotten some laughs at my cyber-skewering of lefties, and he has called himself a "fan" of mine. Be careful or I will email him about this board too, I will show no mercy, even if you beg me like the lefty fool SuperFreak just did in front of the whole board?
Rush has skewered moore of you lefties, even than I have cyber-skewered, and that ain't chicken feed? He has put this global warming nonsense in its place, where it belongs, and made libs look like the pinheads that they are, when they call him and complain that they were at the beach, and they got a hot foot from the sand? I never laughed so hard as when that lefty fool called up Rush, and Rush started jumping around imitating the lefty with the hot foot at the beach, ho ho ha ha. I have emailed Rush about past boards I have posted on, and he has read them, and gotten some laughs at my cyber-skewering of lefties, and he has called himself a "fan" of mine. Be careful or I will email him about this board too, I will show no mercy, even if you beg me like the lefty fool SuperFreak just did in front of the whole board?

LOL, bring Rush on :)
Man, I would LOVE to have the opportunity to debate Rush, in any topic.

He's terrified of debate. The man has a serious aversion to facts & confrontation; he's been spoiled by 3 hours of "mega ditto's" every day.
'These guys are emotionally invested in not admitting they were wrong. They spent 20 years poo-pooing the scientists who were warning about this. "

You got that right. It goes so much beyond that, too - they were so fierce in their ridicule of the "enviro wacko's" that they'll deny until the tide is coming in right on their front doorstep. It's the same with the Iraq War; they'll never admit their mistake on that one. Whatever happens, they will blame on Bush's successor, or on the "anti war" crowd.

And you're right about C02; Dano pulled that one on me the other day....
"I don't understand why they hate so much to admit they were wrong. Is their ego more important than their children's future on the planet?"


Actually, Limbaugh doesn't have children, or shown any interest in procreation.

His thing is to take bottles of viagra to DR, and bang dominican prostitutes.

Oh, that and marrying a new wife every 5 years or so.