Where is Limbaugh on days like today?

I don't listen to him because I'm at work during the day but I just went and checked his website from yesterday and it said "Tease: Global Warming News Coming Tomorrow."

Cawacko - you've gotta check his website today. He did a whole thing yesterday about how thermometer placement has skewed measurements, and we haven't been experiencing abnormally warm or extreme weather, and how people complaining about the recent 100-degree + days as being indicitave of global warming is just hooey, and - hey! - Sacramento actually had abnormally cool evenings over the past few days.

The guy doesn't even accept that global warming is taking place. While most conservatives have at least moved on to "well, it's there, but it has nothing to do with our activities," he's still stuck in the dark ages....
He did a whole thing yesterday about how thermometer placement has skewed measurements

OMG, is he trotting out this old warhorse again? That "urban island" myth has been discredited for over a decade. We have sattellite measurements now, that don't rely on land-based thermometer "placement"