Where Is Osama?

I hope he is squished under a boulder somewhere half alive with noone willing to come to his aid, where he will stay alive for a few months in severe pain but eventually die in agony one night afraid and alone.
I hope he is squished under a boulder somewhere half alive with noone willing to come to his aid, where he will stay alive for a few months in severe pain but eventually die in agony one night afraid and alone.
This may very well be how my friends perished in the Towers. There is no way to know if they were killed immdiately or if they suffered before finally succumbing.
We can always ask for forgiveness later Alex :D

I heard he is working with Elvis in a 7-11 in Yipslanti Michigan.
The point is where is he? Do you think he is dead? Or just retired, or maybe even planning a big attack?
The point is where is he? Do you think he is dead? Or just retired, or maybe even planning a big attack?
I think he is very likely either very ill or dead. Otherwise there would be a tape every three weeks or so taunting the US.
DR Z seems to have taken control anyway and there are plenty of communications from him. But Osama is the MAN.
Osama and Bush served their purpose of firing things up. Osama is not needed any longer to sustain the (bowell) movement.
OBL is merely laying low trying not to be predictable. He is not sending out a tape a week because if he did that we would find him. He will send something out when he feels he can influence something to his advantage. Like he did going into the 04' election.