Where Is Osama?

Osama is right sometimes. He said that Americans are big blow hards and have no balls, and the liberals are proving him right. Give them a little smack and the wave the white flag.
Osama is right sometimes. He said that Americans are big blow hards and have no balls, and the liberals are proving him right. Give them a little smack and the wave the white flag.

I knew given enough time we would see that Toby would admit he shares Osama's vision of Americans!
Osama is right sometimes. He said that Americans are big blow hards and have no balls, and the liberals are proving him right. Give them a little smack and the wave the white flag.

so bush has balls ? or is it stupidity ? Kinda hard to tell the difference sometimes. Like the dumbbut swimming the Amazon.
Ha... Well, Toby maybe you should tell us where your pal Ossama is ?

Youve been missing for a few weeks also.. Been hanging in a cave together or something, sharing your thoughts about how terrable Americans are?
I think he has been in Pakistan the whole time, where he is able to hide and get the medical attention that he needs.
Toby, it must be crowded down there with the both of you living in one basement!