Where is the criticism for Nancy Pelosi's racist remark?

First, you tell me what's racist about a fake story about a "shithole countries" remark, where race was never mentioned, even in the made up story.

You are the racists, and that is correct, you do not get to define what is racism. You evil piece of shit.

Dammit CB, save yourself before it's too late. You're losing ground here, and you are sounding like the rest of the rank, and file fodder. The comments happened, and it is not a fake story. This fake news ploy is tyranny under wraps. You can't just invoke it because a story hurt your pride, or feelings. Please get a grip on yourself so I don't have to change your status as one of the few Rightists worth listening to, to a waste of time.
Assuming that's true, probably for the same reason you hate republicans. Liberalism is a mental disorder.

As someone who has an actual mental disorder, I find that very sickening coming from someone I thought to be a diamond in the rough, among the right.
As someone who has an actual mental disorder, I find that very sickening coming from someone I thought to be a diamond in the rough, among the right.

Sorry, I really can think of no other valid reason for the way most libs behave. Perhaps you can convince me otherwise. :dunno:

Trump's shithole comment, although far from tactful, was not "racist". And (god I can't believe I'm about to defend that harpy) neither was Nancy Pelosi's statement about the five white guys. Seriously, what part of that statement was incendiary towards white people at all? Not to mention the fact that she's kind of white herself. Not sure how one can be racist against their own race. :confused:

I think people who don't know how to properly use words like 'racist' should stop using them, and yes that goes for both sides (clearly, evidenced by your OP, it's not just the big bad left pulling that crap). This country needs to learn how to have more productive discussion, rather than just slinging insults at the other side like we're in a bar talking sports.

I agree it's not racist in itself, but with his track record he gives legitimacy to it being so. Whether or not it's racist is beyond the point though. It's not talk from a leader, it's talk from scum. The defense of such scum behavior by people, has been an abhorrence that just keeps building. He is terrible, and even the reactions I hear from people who voted for him, isn't favorable to his trash.
Sorry, I really can think of no other valid reason for the way most libs behave. Perhaps you can convince me otherwise. :dunno:

It's pride causing a tug a war. Both sides are getting ridiculous, because both sides keep going to the extreme. When the other side gets dragged around, they are going to respond in a similar fashion. I'm pro-life to a sense, but how far the argument was pushed, kept me from siding with anything. The only idea I follow is it doesn't belong as a push button issue in politics. This keeps happening with most issues, and I just stand around, keeping my distance, to keep my sanity. Trump is scum, and has sent this tug a war into overdrive. He's not leader material, he's college mean girl material.
The left goes apeshit when Durbin makes up a story about a "shithole countries" remark, but is utterly silent about Nancy Pelosi's "five white guys" racist remark. Why? Because libs are hypocrites, that's why.

Pelosi: 'Five white guys' leading DACA talks should open a 'hamburger stand'

rac·ist (def)

a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another

Another failure, dumbfuck.
First, you tell me what's racist about a fake story about a "shithole countries" remark, where race was never mentioned, even in the made up story.

You are the racists, and that is correct, you do not get to define what is racism. You evil piece of shit.

a racist post by countryboy
Are you even remotely familiar with the definition of racism?
Trump's assertion that Hatians and Africans are directly comparable to human excrement, to fecal waste, to shitholes, is an unambiguous declaration of black inferirority, and it can be taken to be unambiguously racist. Now, anyone can make a mistake, and context is every thing. So this one incident, in isolation, is not an automatic indictment. But Trump's history of racial insensitivity, provides all the context we need to know that he was making a statement of white superiority, the superiority of the "very fine" people in the white supremacist movement.

Did Nancy Pelosi assert or suggest the white race was inferior??

Then you probably were not even aware of what the definition of racism is.
People who actually know what the definition is are allowed to use that word. You are not.

Racist. Seems I'm allowed to use and it apply it one like you, boy.
explain how it is racist to point out that white men deciding what happens to all Americans is a pattern this country needs to lose to fight racism and mysogeny is racism

see this is why we dont let you fucking racists define racism

post 2
Um no, she was reprimanded by Steny Hoyer.

And why would she need to be reprimanded if there's nothing wrong with the comment?

Because of political repercussions. It was not about the facts. There were 5 white guys deciding a bill that impacted minorities. No minority input. It happens regularly now when womens rights are determined by all men panels.
First, you tell me what's racist about a fake story about a "shithole countries" remark, where race was never mentioned, even in the made up story.

You are the racists, and that is correct, you do not get to define what is racism. You evil piece of shit.

First Trump was referring to African countries. Yeah, it was racist . No b doubt. trump is a racist. he makes that clear.
First Trump was referring to African countries. Yeah, it was racist . No b doubt. trump is a racist. he makes that clear.

Wrong, it's not racist to call shitholes, shitholes. Perhaps you should invest in a dictionary, or take a remedial fifth grade English course Jerhro.