Where is the justice on the Federal level?

I'll add this: If you get a federal charge, expect to lose because the persecutors won't stop until they win regardless of cost. They have the resources and time to ruin your life, run you into bankruptcy, and virtually get away with murder in pursuing a guilty plea against you. It doesn't matter the charges or the evidence, they will fight you until you cave in and agree to a plea deal.
LOL. Pretend it was Hillary you are defending.

How do you feel now?
Nonsense. But, that's what the bi partisan House committee is delving into.

Let me help you out here.

Pretend trump never won in '16. Pretend the terrorist act on Jan 6 was perpetrated by Hillary.

Still think it was just a church group that got out of hand?

Would you be interested to know if Hillary was instrumental in plotting it?

Would you be interested to know why Hillary sat basking in the glory of the terrorist actions, while spending hours watching it on t.v.?

Of course you would.

No not nonsense.

"The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion."

Where were the arms? There were no arms or explosives used in the "StopTheSteal" riot. No arson, even.

ANTIFA burned down neighborhood after neighborhood for years after 2016. Wtf is your point?

They tried to burn down a Ronald McDonald house with the kids inside.
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How many people killed and how many homes and businesses ruined because of BLM and ANTIFA since then?
BTW...homes and businesses were ruined in many cases by your Nazis, but the protests began because racist white cops murdered unarmed black people.

What about it? A little too uncomfortable for you to answer?

There is no ANTIFA

It's a strawman argument.

If there are ANTIFA groups, there is ANTIFA. They organize violence internationally.
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BTW...homes and businesses were ruined in many cases by your Nazis, but the protests began because racist white cops murdered unarmed black people.

My Nazis? My family killed Nazis, bitch. My friend still has his father's 3 dried Nazi officer ears he took from Dachau on a dogtag chain. Guns, too.

The only ones remotely like Nazis in America are the totalitarian left.
This is a quote from the man that's running the Justice Department in America:

"I will supervise the prosecution of white supremacists and others who stormed the Capitol on January 6 — a heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government," Garland said"


He's already assuming facts not in evidence and flatly wrong about it. This is terrible. He didn't even say anything about investigating, just prosecuting?

Yeah, he actually said that.


Apparently justice is no longer blind and is now partisan and wrong about facts? Wtf?!


There is no justice, it's just us.

This is clown world.

https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Clown World

The Revolution WAS televised. I saw these QAnon/Trump Quacks storm the Capitol. Disturbing the Peace, Destruction of Property, Trespass, along with the other Traitors to the Republic charges.
The Revolution WAS televised. I saw these QAnon/Trump Quacks storm the Capitol. Disturbing the Peace, Destruction of Property, Trespass, along with the other Traitors to the Republic charges.

That was no Revolution. It was an unruly mob. Not very much destruction or looting, but I'd call it a riot.

I saw the things those people were posting and bailed from #Stopthesteal about 3 weeks before it happened.

I knew it was going to get stupid. They were talking about doing stupid things.
That was no Revolution. It was an unruly mob. Not very much destruction or looting, but I'd call it a riot.

Well, next time, I hope it's at your House. They bust up the place, roam through the place, looking for you. I hope you don't file any charges and just say "It's probably my fault".
Well, next time, I hope it's at your House. They bust up the place, roam through the place, looking for you. I hope you don't file any charges and just say "It's probably my fault".

I won't be filing charges, no. Let the law worry about that when they find the bodies.
I won't be filing charges, no. Let the law worry about that when they find the bodies.

Good. I hope it's a bunch of Blue Team extremists that shit on your carpets. ... and I hope it's televised as you cower in your Safe Place with a Teddy Bear. :)
That's an alleged draft document, unofficial, and probably wholecloth.

That is alleged DHS analysis according to a document produced by "Lawfare".

"all of which were produced in August. Ben Wittes, the editor in chief of the national security site Lawfare, obtained the documents and shared them with POLITICO. The first such assessment has not been released publicly, and a DHS spokesperson declined to comment on “allegedly leaked documents,” and on when the document will be made public. "

DHS is watching this Ben Wittes guy..

They have intelligence reports on him. ;)


Did you notice that Politico failed to link the document in their article. We have no way of knowing what the document really says, or if the data used in it is worthwhile.
Did you notice that Politico failed to link the document in their article. We have no way of knowing what the document really says, or if the data used in it is worthwhile.

The only thing that really matters is racist homophobes like you are prosecuted