Where the Radical Left is Right

you're an idiot. individual rights are a bulwark against potential abuses perpetrated by powerful individuals in the collective hierarchy against other individuals in the collective. individuals are the only things that are real.

your worldview leads inexorably to atrocities.

The Fascist councils are the best idea.

Put it this way, imagine the media, social media, Hollywood, and Amazon, Walmart, and McDonald's all being partially run by Capitalist business owners, and partially run by Elected officials.

If that were the case, take the media, for example, you could have say 3 people come together to come up with the product, an elected Democrat, an elected Republican & the owner, and then from there, they could compromise to make the media more fair & less biased.

I'm for Democratic Fascism, if you want to call it that.

I see no reason to hide the vote, because this system is the best, anyways!
you're an idiot. individual rights are a bulwark against potential abuses perpetrated by powerful individuals in the collective hierarchy against other individuals in the collective. individuals are the only things that are real.

your worldview leads inexorably to atrocities.

I think low Testosterone leads to genocide, because Testosterone leads to rebelliousness towards Authority.

It explains why East Asians, Western Europeans & Russians are the most genocidal, and generally appear to have less Testosterone & thus smaller wee wee sizes.

On the inverse, Africans, Latinos seem to have more Testosterone, and are more rebellious towards authority, and therefor aren't such subservient @$$clowns.

As far as Europeans go, Southern & Eastern Europeans excluding Russians, appear to have more Testosterone & thus bigger wee wee sizes than North-West Europeans who are more submissive & subservient.
I think low Testosterone leads to genocide, because Testosterone leads to rebelliousness towards Authority.

It explains why East Asians, Western Europeans & Russians are the most genocidal, and generally appear to have less Testosterone & thus smaller wee wee sizes.

On the inverse, Africans, Latinos seem to have more Testosterone, and are more rebellious towards authority, and therefor aren't such subservient @$$clowns.

As far as Europeans go, Southern & Eastern Europeans excluding Russians, appear to have more Testosterone & thus bigger wee wee sizes than North-West Europeans who are more submissive & subservient.

no equality under the law for all individuals leads to genocide.

you're an idiot.
The Fascist councils are the best idea.

Put it this way, imagine the media, social media, Hollywood, and Amazon, Walmart, and McDonald's all being partially run by Capitalist business owners, and partially run by Elected officials.

If that were the case, take the media, for example, you could have say 3 people come together to come up with the product, an elected Democrat, an elected Republican & the owner, and then from there, they could compromise to make the media more fair & less biased.

I'm for Democratic Fascism, if you want to call it that.

I see no reason to hide the vote, because this system is the best, anyways!

bad idea. you're an idiot.

this is just cartel fascism.

no new businesses would form in this type of cartel system.

at least you admit it's fascism, which is more honest than most.
but you're still an idiot.
Fascism is actually better than Capitalism, or Communism.

Why do you think the Anglo-Allies attacked Fascist Italy, before Nazi Germany?

They prolonged the Holocaust, and seemed to think Fascist Italy was a bigger issue.

Maybe because Nazi Germany was a Globalist elite ruse to ruin Fascism?

Truth is Mussolini maybe killed 300,000 - 600,000 in Ethiopia, and Greece, and that's likely less than George W. Bush killed in Iraq & Afghanistan.

strong individual rights and equality under the law are required in amy reasonable system to prevent atrocity.

you're just pro-atrocity. or young and dumb.

I know you want to go into academia, but don't lose your soul in the process.
Fascism is actually better than Capitalism, or Communism.

Why do you think the Anglo-Allies attacked Fascist Italy, before Nazi Germany?

They prolonged the Holocaust, and seemed to think Fascist Italy was a bigger issue.

Maybe because Nazi Germany was a Globalist elite ruse to ruin Fascism?

Truth is Mussolini maybe killed 300,000 - 600,000 in Ethiopia, and Greece, and that's likely less than George W. Bush killed in Iraq & Afghanistan.

it was a ruse to ruin nationalism. you're right there. but nations still need to not allow corporations to run roughshod over people.
no equality under the law for all individuals leads to genocide.

you're an idiot.

I tend to disagree.

Poland, and Hungary had a lot in common with Nazis before WW2.

Poland was very rebellious, towards Nazis & Soviets.

So was Hungary.

Just Poland was more anti-Nazi & Hungary was more anti-Soviet.

But, Hungary made deals with the Allies, and dragged it's feet on Hitler's Holocaust.

But, Poland despite in the 1930's enacting anti-Jewish legislation, like barring Jews from holding government jobs,and positions of power like lawyers & doctors were limited by Poland as well as Poland was the first to speak of shipping Jews to Madgascar, not Nazis, also Poland had Ghetto Benches segregation against Jews.

Poland still went onto be the first major fight against the Nazis, and the ones who warned the World about the Holocaust, and the highest number of Jewish rescuers or Righteous Among the Nations.

Of course, Poles in Solidarity went on to help collapse the Soviet Union.

As for Hungary, they had the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against Soviets.

Then, again Poles & Hungarians are more humane, rebellious & moral than these filthy wretches we call Anglo-Saxon tribes like English & Germans.
I'm not a Communist, that's too much.

But, I am for Hybrid Socialism & Nationalism.

How do you figure you stop undocumented immigrants, H2B Visas, and outsourced jobs, without going somewhat Authoritarian?

The people who hire them should be thrown behind bars, if you ask me, especially with Automation looming on the horizon.

But, at the same time, the Capitalist companies want undocumented immigrants, H2B Visas & outsourced jobs, they see it as maximizing profit.

So, how does Capitalism solve it, explanation please?

Capitalism & Globalism & Liberalism all go hand & hand.

you just have border and immigration policies and enforce them.

if you go with your fascism idea, those elected officials will glut the labor pool with immigration to drive down labor costs, and improve their stock portfolio.
I tend to disagree.

Poland, and Hungary had a lot in common with Nazis before WW2.

Poland was very rebellious, towards Nazis & Soviets.

So was Hungary.

Just Poland was more anti-Nazi & Hungary was more anti-Soviet.

But, Hungary made deals with the Allies, and dragged it's feet on Hitler's Holocaust.

But, Poland despite in the 1930's enacting anti-Jewish legislation, like barring Jews from holding government jobs,and positions of power like lawyers & doctors were limited by Poland as well as Poland was the first to speak of shipping Jews to Madgascar, not Nazis, also Poland had Ghetto Benches segregation against Jews.

Poland still went onto be the first major fight against the Nazis, and the ones who warned the World about the Holocaust, and the highest number of Jewish rescuers or Righteous Among the Nations.

Of course, Poles in Solidarity went on to help collapse the Soviet Union.

As for Hungary, they had the 1956 Hungarian Revolution against Soviets.

Then, again Poles & Hungarians are more humane, rebellious & moral than these filthy wretches we call Anglo-Saxon tribes like English & Germans.

I like the slavic peoples.
strong individual rights and equality under the law are required in amy reasonable system to prevent atrocity.

you're just pro-atrocity. or young and dumb.

I know you want to go into academia, but don't lose your soul in the process.

I'm anti-Atrocity, but then again...

2 questions.

Are we supposed to just bend over & destroy our heritage?

Are we supposed to just Balkanize our country?

Both are unacceptable, because destroying a heritage is akin to genocide.

Or, at least in Western Europeans more akin to suicide.

As for Balkanization, it actually sparks genocide, and has all over the World.

So, it's a lose, lose situation.
you just have border and immigration policies and enforce them.

if you go with your fascism idea, those elected officials will glut the labor pool with immigration to drive down labor costs, and improve their stock portfolio.

No, I want direct democracy, that we'd directly elect officials from 2 sides to both be elected by us, on the ballot.
I'm anti-Atrocity, but then again...

2 questions.

Are we supposed to just bend over & destroy our heritage?

Are we supposed to just Balkanize our country?

Both are unacceptable, because destroying a heritage is akin to genocide.

Or, at least in Western Europeans more akin to suicide.

As for Balkanization, it actually sparks genocide, and has all over the World.

So, it's a lose, lose situation.

im for a strong border and beleive we should lessen immigration and eliminate special work visas like h1b.

Im not a globalist. I know you're probably used to arguing with globalist neoconservative internationalist fascists. I ain't one.
bad idea. you're an idiot.

this is just cartel fascism.

no new businesses would form in this type of cartel system.

at least you admit it's fascism, which is more honest than most.
but you're still an idiot.

No, I just want this for the biggest corporations which cause the most damage.

I think, we should have public say, when a company has such impact on the public.

The smaller businesses wouldn't be impacted.

But, take Amazon, if we had 25% of the say by a Democrat official you elected, and 25% say from a Republican official you elected & the other 50% from the business owner.

Then, we'd maximize national interest, while not stomping out profit margins, like in Communism.
I like the slavic peoples.

Hungarians are Finno-Ugric speaking peoples, but then again by genes they're actually more, or less like Slavs.

While, actually Russians, have lots of Finno-Ugric DNA, excluding ones in the South-West, near the borders of Ukraine & Belarus.

That's why Russians are small on wee-wee, and big on genocide, they're part Mongoloid, unlike most other Eastern Europeans.
im for a strong border and beleive we should lessen immigration and eliminate special work visas like h1b.

Im not a globalist. I know you're probably used to arguing with globalist neoconservative internationalist fascists. I ain't one.

There's 14 - 29 million undocumented immigrants, already here.

How is that solved, with a border wall?
sorry ive called you an idiot so many times. I know it seems hopeless sometimes.

How about this, any company that has Stocks, should have public interest & elected officials.

How about this, 25% Stock owner say, 25% CEO say, 25% from a Republican official on the ballot we directly elected, and 25% from a Democrat official on the ballot we directly elected.

I think this would help maximize national interest, of course if we elect them, they'd fight more, or less for Interests of the people who elected them.

Also, a bonus of this, would be that less companies would chose stock ownership.

A win, win, because Stockholders always look for more & more profits, even if it means cutting our throats with H2B Visas & Outsourced jobs!
How about this, any company that has Stocks, should have public interest & elected officials.

How about this, 25% Stock owner say, 25% CEO say, 25% from a Republican official on the ballot we directly elected, and 25% from a Democrat official on the ballot we directly elected.

I think this would help maximize national interest, of course if we elect them, they'd fight more, or less for Interests of the people who elected them.

Also, a bonus of this, would be that less companies would chose stock ownership.

A win, win, because Stockholders always look for more & more profits, even if it means cutting our throats with H2B Visas & Outsourced jobs!

no. no mixing in government and state power.

fascism is communism. its just you have a state seal or a group of corporate logos.

individualism really is the answer.

I know you want to fit in to academia, but you're going retarded.
No, I just want this for the biggest corporations which cause the most damage.

I think, we should have public say, when a company has such impact on the public.

The smaller businesses wouldn't be impacted.

But, take Amazon, if we had 25% of the say by a Democrat official you elected, and 25% say from a Republican official you elected & the other 50% from the business owner.

Then, we'd maximize national interest, while not stomping out profit margins, like in Communism.

no. they will just use their power to control society around their interests.

basically we already have this. and its shitty.