/shrugs.....you are never going to see President Trump's tax returns.......and it is going to twist your guts into knots for the next eight years........

You're so full-o'-shit.

You created a bogus-number, in this thread.....


.....and, now you're expecting proof-positive from everyone-else.

Anyone attempting to debate you, is wasting their time. You argue like some elementary-school kiddie.

I didn't create the number. I simply stated what it was. The creation of it was by the black females wanting to be a "ho" that created the number.
Ask the Feds (FBI). It's hackers can do anything. Wikileaks and Snowden could hack thousands but none was important. Because Trump is a candidate of the Feds. His tax return is under protection.

As a fair and balanced non-partisan, I totally agree that the felon Trump must produce his tax returns. Having said that, I also think the felon :dunno: Hillary Clinton should produce her transcripts of her speeches she made millions on to the BIG Wall Street Bankers, don't you?

You're so full-o'-shit.

You created a bogus-number, in this thread....


.....and, now you're expecting proof-positive from everyone-else.

Anyone attempting to debate you, is wasting their time. You argue like some elementary-school kiddie.

I didn't create the number. I simply stated what it was.

No. You never sourced it.....so, it only qualified as one, more, (typical) White-wing lie.
As a fair and balanced non-partisan, I totally agree that the felon Trump must produce his tax returns. Having said that, I also think the felon :dunno: Hillary Clinton should produce her transcripts of her speeches she made millions on to the BIG Wall Street Bankers, don't you?

As a private citizen. What do you have against capitalism?
If he (actually) believes kickback$, to the Russian mob, can be claimed as legitimate COSTS, let him defend those CO$T$!!

imagine their brain palpatations if Hilary refused to release her taxes

When is Hillary going to release the 35,000 emails? One does not have to imagine what you cunt lickers will do if she's expected to do what is right. We've seen how you react.
imagine their brain palpatations if Hilary refused to release her taxes

We saw how you black ass lickers reacted when Obama was expected to release his college records. You chastise the white guy RUNNING for President about his taxes but give the black guy that is President a pass. Pucker up.