which bis the hottet


Verified User
Ok a small group of my friends both men and women are having a bit of a disagreement and we need some input.

the debate is over which of the people listed below are the hottest.
I will list our choices and would love to have stranger settle the debate for us.

the choices are as follows ......

Jay lo

Julianne Nicholson

Nicole Kidman

Nicki Minaj

Ivanka trump

Thandie Newton

gwen stefani

Bella Hadid
Ok a small group of my friends both men and women are having a bit of a disagreement and we need some input.

the debate is over which of the people listed below are the hottest.
I will list our choices and would love to have stranger settle the debate for us.

the choices are as follows ......

Jay lo

Julianne Nicholson

Nicole Kidman

Nicki Minaj

Ivanka trump

Thandie Newton

gwen stefani

Bella Hadid

What should this matter to you, as they are all more-than-likely out of your league?

I am going to just refer you to Jerry Reed! He say's, "WHEN YOU ARE HOT- You're HOT! AND WHEN YOU ARE NOT- YOU'RE NOT"!
Ok a small group of my friends both men and women are having a bit of a disagreement and we need some input.

the debate is over which of the people listed below are the hottest.
I will list our choices and would love to have stranger settle the debate for us.

the choices are as follows ......

Jay lo

Julianne Nicholson

Nicole Kidman

Nicki Minaj

Ivanka trump

Thandie Newton

gwen stefani

Bella Hadid

Kidman, she looks like my wife. ;)

like almost a dead ringer at times,
What should this matter to you, as they are all more-than-likely out of your league?

I am going to just refer you to Jerry Reed! He say's, "WHEN YOU ARE HOT- You're HOT! AND WHEN YOU ARE NOT- YOU'RE NOT"!

I guess you cant read hey moron ,

Ok a small group of my friends both men and women are having a bit of a disagreement and we need some input

now stop being a asshole and either reply with a answer to help solve the debate between friends which include men and women or shut the fuck up and go back to playing with yourself .
no belay that. your to stupid to take part in such a conversation
Ok a small group of my friends both men and women are having a bit of a disagreement and we need some input.

the debate is over which of the people listed below are the hottest.
I will list our choices and would love to have stranger settle the debate for us.

the choices are as follows ......

Jay lo

Julianne Nicholson

Nicole Kidman

Nicki Minaj

Ivanka trump

Thandie Newton

gwen stefani

Bella Hadid

Kidman is prettiest
I guess you cant read hey moron ,

Ok a small group of my friends both men and women are having a bit of a disagreement and we need some input

now stop being a asshole and either reply with a answer to help solve the debate between friends which include men and women or shut the fuck up and go back to playing with yourself .
no belay that. your to stupid to take part in such a conversation

Hey more of a moron than I, you should already know that men cannot argue with women and expect to win an argument. Women will always win every argument and they will always have the last say on any matter.

For example; If a man has anything further to say after a woman has voiced her opinion, the woman will advise the man that that is the beginning of a new argument. Now you can clearly see how it is impossible to argue with a woman and expect to win the argument!

That is like chapter 1 in "Women 101"!

Marry one- you'll understand!

Now here is also a nice little note while speaking from experience- NEVER MARRY THE FIRST WOMAN THAT ASKS YOU!
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Hey more of a moron than I, you should already know that men cannot argue with women and expect to win an argument. Women will always win every argument and they will always have the last say on any matter.

For example; If a man has anything further to say after a woman has voiced her opinion, the woman will advise the man that that is the beginning of a new argument. Now you can clearly see how it is impossible to argue with a woman and expect to win the argument!

That is like chapter 1 in "Women 101"!

Marry one- you'll understand!

well you are indeed a moron men and women both have opinions that are EQUAL. Perhaps you feel women are always right because your a coward and fear debating .
o by the way meat head I have been married and have lived with a few different women.

the one I am with now is very independent and a business owner , we both have respect for the other one and solve differences like adults, some times it goes my way sometimes her way. any way there are 3 female friends on this debate and 4 guys . we have all picked different people , so I decided to go to the next and get others opinions
to settle the issue.
now if you have nothing of value to add except trying to sir shit shut the fuck up you stupid bastard . your wasting our time and it seems your wife tells what your opinion is you spineless waste of skin.
Ok a small group of my friends both men and women are having a bit of a disagreement and we need some input.

the debate is over which of the people listed below are the hottest.
I will list our choices and would love to have stranger settle the debate for us.

the choices are as follows ......

Jay lo

Julianne Nicholson

Nicole Kidman

Nicki Minaj

Ivanka trump

Thandie Newton

gwen stefani

Bella Hadid
