Which Democrat will be Next President?

Uneducated my Lily White Ass, you are on my list of Libs who I consider my cyber whipping posts. Folks, this Lib clown tries to act like he is in the middle of the two parties politically, when in reality he is probably a clone of someone like my stooge Zappy. Most of these Forum Libs have multiple user names that come out when they are bested politically, like here by yours truely. They then want to hide/run, so they change User Names to hide better, of course that is just my opinion. I recommend that you read as many replies as you can, and that will stand out. Every Lib cohor on this Forum wants the Lib "Brilliant Writer" award, because they think they are all bad ass writers and sheet.....

It’s perfectly apparent to any sane folk that Anti-Party is only anti to every party except the Democrat’s Party. It’s doubtful that he’s even old enough to vote. His post look like a 5th grader with a laptop ignoring his American History teacher’s lessons.
It’s perfectly apparent to any sane folk that Anti-Party is only anti to every party except the Democrat’s Party. It’s doubtful that he’s even old enough to vote. His post look like a 5th grader with a laptop ignoring his American History teacher’s lessons.
He may be a the Dude?
I'm actually thinking that's you. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Dixie, The Dude, and SJJRSJJS are all the same person. :rofl:
All of a sudden this Rose Captain user name comes forth and starts to tell US who is whom, what a joke. This clown is an example of Libs using multiple user names to try to act cutesy. Their Lib cohors all have a list of each other's alternate User Names, so that they know who they are "Thanking", phoney is as phoney does, I know you are but what am I, infinity.
It’s perfectly apparent to any sane folk that Anti-Party is only anti to every party except the Democrat’s Party. It’s doubtful that he’s even old enough to vote. His post look like a 5th grader with a laptop ignoring his American History teacher’s lessons.

No. Thats Pisskop.
All of a sudden this Rose Captain user name comes forth and starts to tell US who is whom, what a joke. This clown is an example of Libs using multiple user names to try to act cutesy. Their Lib cohors all have a list of each other's alternate User Names, so that they know who they are "Thanking", phoney is as phoney does, I know you are but what am I, infinity.

Shy Guy
Sea Bird
Rose Captain

I'm a socialist who joined in January of this year. I speak out against just about everyone on the site, but primarily Democrats and neo-liberals. At first, I presented myself as a left capitalist to test the waters. I have two accounts. I'm a to-be social science student.

Those are my usernames. That's my presence on this site. There's no secret lists, no plot against you. Get over yourself.
"My guess is Rand Paul will win, and you can quote that."

I would fall over if Rand Paul even got close to the GOP nomination, let alone became president. I mean, no way. Contrary to most of their "small government" rhetoric, the GOP Establishment and most conservative voters are terrified of real small government.

If Paul had his way it would mean: ending the War On Drugs; ending our foreign empire; ending SSI and Medicare; ending subsidies and protections for countless industries; ending rules barring gay marriage, etc.

The GOP would terrify Republican primary voters that this "radical" view means: Scary, marauding black crack addicts; scary Islamist terrorists taking out Des Moines with a nuke; "not getting your fair share of the benefit of your own tax dollars!," higher gas and oil prices, all which will "cripple the economy and jobs," destroying the institutions of marriage and family, etc. They would make Paul look like a "crazy liberal," when he's in fact by far the most true conservative in the party.

** In fairness, the Dems also benefit from maximum Big Government when it comes to the prison, weapons, healthcare and energy industries.

The only "small government" the GOP wants, and sadly which much of today's conservatives want, is lower taxes and regulations regardless of the economic situation; and less spending, especially on those shifless, lazy people who rely on things like public education and Welfare.
So the prerequisite to winning the votes of Hispanics is speaking Spanish and marrying Mexicans? I'm almost certain that neither of those things was true for Obama, yet he swept that demographic.

Romney even tried face paint to look like he was Mexican..
Shy Guy
Sea Bird
Rose Captain

I'm a socialist who joined in January of this year. I speak out against just about everyone on the site, but primarily Democrats and neo-liberals. At first, I presented myself as a left capitalist to test the waters. I have two accounts. I'm a to-be social science student.

Those are my usernames. That's my presence on this site. There's no secret lists, no plot against you. Get over yourself.
See Folks how I control these Libs and then I "MAKE THEM" expose themselves, no pun intended.