there should be an 'all of the above' button
While I tend to agree, or at least allow multiple choice, of the choices I think the Clintons take the prize.
Think about it:
Bill and the Hildabeast were in DC for about 40 years in one capacity or another. They:
Sold US technology to China allowing that nation to shortcut to having state-of-the-art nuclear weapons and ICBMS (see Chinagate)
Looted the White House on leaving
Waco on the war on the far Right they waged
The first President to use "drive by" cruise missile attacks
Set up the conditions for failure that led to 9/11
Skewed the DNC and Democrat party hard Left
Were easily the most corrupt campaign funding politicians in modern US history
Had their share of needless wars and military incompetence (a charge easily leveled at the rest). Somalia was a particularly stunning defeat (aka Blackhawk Down).
In his first two years in office repeatedly raised taxes on just about everybody one way or another leading to the first Republican led congress in something like 50 years. That forced him into compromising that led to economic success where his first two years were marked with failure.
Deregulated the financial industry--that came back to bite the US bigtime several times since.
Allowed the rise of al-Quada that eventually would lead to 9/11
Benghazi (that one is the Hildabeast's) but it was another military fiasco by a Clinton.
The e-mail server (easily one of the most corrupt and arrogant acts by a major politician ever)
There's a lot more between the two. They were utterly corrupt and contemptuous of the law and Americans.