Which house should Mr. Watermark get?

People usually end up paying the lawyers everything.

I actually got a break from my lawyer, she was president of DuPage County Bar at the time. She told me she never met anyone quite like my ex. She waived thousands of dollars. The divorce took 4 years. I had sole custody, which was the most important part to me. Was in and out of courts, mostly in, for another 5 years.
I actually got a break from my lawyer, she was president of DuPage County Bar at the time. She told me she never met anyone quite like my ex. She waived thousands of dollars. The divorce took 4 years. I had sole custody, which was the most important part to me. Was in and out of courts, mostly in, for another 5 years.

Man. That sucks. I'm sorry to hear that. Why is that some people do a 180 when they get married?
What can you rent them out at?
Pay cash, rent for $150/month, cash flow $1800 per year minus taxes, so call it $1700 on a $6000 (including closing cost) investment gives an ROI of 28%. The ROI is even better if you could get a mortgage, but most lenders won't lend on investment real estate less than $40,000 value.