Which is the worst?

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LOL.....typical maineman....first it was just WMD's....now you've added an entirely new sentence.....nice try, but its nothing but meadowmuffins....

anyone reading this knows you got busted for your lies and now have to be a wuss and CHANGE YOUR STORY yet again


I have NEVER changed my story.

Since long before you were even on this site, my bitch with the Bushies is that they tied the certainty of Saddam's WMD's with their assertion that Saddam and Osama were bosum buddies in order to make it imperative that we invade, conquer and occupy RIGHT NOW.

so...you panty waist little pussy.... either speak to the historical record of my objection to the Bush administration's rush to war, or shut the fuck up.... **.

got it? good.
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i guess you're unable to honestly call out your fellow dem for the same thing....

that is not surprising....

why is it you feel you are above such actions, but that you can call me out for such actions? i don't answer one of your questions because you're playing a game and this somehow equates to an inability not to.....

not all....if you want an honest debate without the hypocritical calling me out in that same debate for what your fellow lib is doign...i'm all game....let me know

I tried "honest debate." Guess what? You ignored it, and kept falling back on the cheap partisan line "the Dems said it, too!"

My question was an "honest" question, and you won't answer it.

You're not "all game." Certainly not on this one.

I don't care; the history books have it right. None of the propogandizing you do will change that.
I tried "honest debate." Guess what? You ignored it, and kept falling back on the cheap partisan line "the Dems said it, too!"

My question was an "honest" question, and you won't answer it.

You're not "all game." Certainly not on this one.

I don't care; the history books have it right. None of the propogandizing you do will change that.

you did....why then did you only call bravo and i out....?

you never answered my question re the above....YET....you expect me to answer you....

in goodwill onceler, because i like you....

i don't believe bush outright lied...should he have said unequivocally they had WMD's....i don't know, i did not have access to the intelligence he and other dems and repubs had to....i've seen your links on emphasising certain evidence, while possibly downplaying others....however, in light of the numerous quotes from both parties and other world leaders that unequivocally stated saddam possessed the weapons and/or was continuing to develop them....i don't see how it is a lie....

i believe he got it wrong....however, i've also seen links where it is discussed that saddam moved the wmd's out right before the we ousted him....neither you nor i have access to all that intelligence, nor do we know for sure saddam did not in fact get rid of it right before we ousted him....

just my 2 cents, but if you have more, i'm all ears
I have NEVER changed my story.

Since long before you were even on this site, my bitch with the Bushies is that they tied the certainty of Saddam's WMD's with their assertion that Saddam and Osama were bosum buddies in order to make it imperative that we invade, conquer and occupy RIGHT NOW.

so...you panty waist little pussy.... either speak to the historical record of my objection to the Bush administration's rush to war, or shut the fuck up.... **.

got it? good.

dude....you have changed your story....in this thread, how do you honestly think no one can not see it? you have maintained that bush lied solely for the words "no doubt".....you said no dems said that....i showed you they did and you "nearly" admitted it by saying "may".....after you finally nearly admitted it, per your usual sneaky weasel way....you then CHANGED YOUR STORY to include the AQ connection....that was not the argument you stood by....you changed it after being shown all the dems who said THE SAME THING bush did....

are you going to ever answer me (3X) now on what these initials JB or HB mean? why are you including those initials in virtually all your replies? is this a maine homosexual come on? i'm not interested.....
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dude....you have changed your story....in this thread, how do you honestly think no one can not see it?

I have not changed "my story" in the least.
you have maintained that bush lied solely for the words "no doubt" ...you said no dems said that

I have said that Team Bush lied when they said that "THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT SADDAM HAS STOCKPILES OF WMD's" and no dems ever DID say that ....
i showed you they did

no. you didn't
you then CHANGED YOUR STORY to include the AQ connection....that was not the argument you stood by....you changed it after being shown all the dems who said THE SAME THING bush did....

if you had been around for a while young fella, you would know that the long arc of my complaint with the Bush administration has ALWAYS been that they lied about the certainty of WMD stockpiles and they lied about the existence of a Saddam-Al Qaeda connection and used the conflation of those two lies to press their case that we needed to invade IMMEDIATELY. I have been saying that on here, on FP.com before that, and on P.com before THAT. And there IS a difference between saying that there is no doubt that Saddam has reinvigorated his weapons programs and saying that there is no doubt that he possesses stockpiles of WMD's right now. It was the "right now" immediacy of existing piles of chemical and biological weapons sitting around waiting to be given to AQ operatives any minute that drove the case for war. Bush had, in my opinion, scored a major diplomatic success by forcing Saddam to allow UN weapons inspectors back INTO Iraq... if he had let them do their job, in a matter of months, they would have told him what the world now knows to be true: that Saddam did NOT have stockpiles of WMD's and there WAS no reason to invade, conquer, and occupy the sovereign state of Iraq.

But Bush did not want to wait... Bush did not care whether Saddam had stockpiles of WMD's or not... he wanted desperately to invade Iraq and start the PNAC vision into motion.... and he had to tell the American people two lies in order to do so... and he always assumed that, when the Iraqi people were welcoming us as liberators, when the statues of him were being erected in every town square throughout Iraq, when the rose petals were being strewn in front of our tanks, and when the Jeffersonian democracy that he planted by the banks of the Euphrates bloomed and spread throughout the middle east, that America would be so proud of their visionary president who had changed the world and brought democracy to the middle east and vanquished islamic extremism forever that they would forgive him a few little lies told in order to make it all happen. He was wrong.

That has ALWAYS been my "story", yurt. I haven't "changed" a word of it.
this cracks me up....so in THIS thread you ONLY mention the WMD quote as an example of the lie....you get busted when shown dems said the same thing....

and now your defense for adding the AQ connection after getting your ass handed to you on the dems lie.....is that "it has always been my stance"....

LOL....it sure wasn't in this thread, you made probably a dozen or more posts without the AQ connection.....then you were shown the dems lied, under your definition of a lie......and poof, the magic connection


i wonder why you keep ignoring this question you pussy (that is what you call people who ignore questions)

are you going to ever answer me (3X) now on what these initials ****** mean? why are you including those initials in virtually all your replies? is this a maine homosexual come on? i'm not interested.....

is it because you know it violates teh rules....fucking childish dildo.....you whine about personal info YET you still try to sneak it in.....to play little games....

you're a fag
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this cracks me up....so in THIS thread you ONLY mention the WMD quote as an example of the lie....you get busted when shown dems said the same thing....

and now your defense for adding the AQ connection after getting your ass handed to you on the dems lie.....is that "it has always been my stance"....

LOL....it sure wasn't in this thread, you made probably a dozen or more posts without the AQ connection.....then you were shown the dems lied, under your definition of a lie......and poof, the magic connection


i wonder why you keep ignoring this question you pussy (that is what you call people who ignore questions)

is it because you know it violates teh rules....fucking childish dildo.....you whine about personal info YET you still try to sneak it in.....to play little games....

you're a fag

there is life beyond this thread, yurtie... my arguments have always been consistent in this area... and, again... you cannot show any democrat who said that there is no doubt that saddam has stockpiles of WMD's. and if you could find such a democrat, I'd call him or her a liar, because there has ALWAYS been degrees of doubt about the existence of Saddam's stockpiles of WMD's. Even though I am a lifelong democrat, I was VERY supportive of our president in the wake of 9/11. I volunteered to go back on active duty to help fight Al Qaeda... I was extremely supportive of his invasion of Afghanistan for that very purpose. When he lost OBL and started talking about Saddam and Iraq and WMD's and the supposed Iraq-AQ connection, around about the fall of 2002, is when he lost me... and I was against the war in Iraq for exactly the reasons I stated and still feel exactly the same way.

and ** is just my own little personal nickname for you. I have no intention of telling you or anyone else what it means. it has meaning and value to me alone. does that bother you? seems like it does...and if it does, that brings a smile to my face. thanks. and your calling me a fag is what is known as "projection", **.
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and ** is just my own little personal nickname for you. I have no intention of telling you or anyone else what it means. it has meaning and value to me alone. does that bother you? seems like it does...and if it does, that brings a smile to my face. thanks. ....
I'll start calling you *edited: ABC* for the same reason. Perhaps I can get some others to play along...
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blah, blah, blah .... lies

and edit: ** is just my own little personal nickname for you. I have no intention of telling you or anyone else what it means. it has meaning and value to me alone. does that bother you? seems like it does...and if it does, that brings a smile to my face. thanks. and your calling me a fag is what is known as "projection", JB.

so i guess when you've called SM a pedophile and homosexual....you're projecting....that you are the pedophile and homosexual

and your nicknames have been ***** ....coincidentally initials of a firm here in town that you believe i work at and that you have been instructed NOT to mention.....typical dishonest person that you are....you ask damo to have me not mention anything about you, YET you piss on damo by breaking his rules in a sneaky, dishonest way.....

so....you want to play that stupid game....no problem (edit: Personal info)....just my personal nickname
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so i guess when you've called SM a pedophile and homosexual....you're projecting....that you are the pedophile and homosexual

and your nicknames have been ****** ....coincidentally initials of a firm here in town that you believe i work at and that you have been instructed NOT to mention.....typical dishonest person that you are....you ask damo to have me not mention anything about you, YET you piss on damo by breaking his rules in a sneaky, dishonest way.....

so....you want to play that stupid game....no problem ....just my personal nickname

"blah blah blah lies"??? that's all you have to say about the meat of my post? but yet you want to distract the conversation by this silly shit?

I don't think I have ever called you **...if I did it was a typo... I only call you ** and it has absolutely nothing to do with your name or any business name.

I will refrain from using it, if it causes you to avoid discussing real issues.
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you're a broken record........and it was no typo...liar....just happens to be the initials of the two guys....i not only have called out and proven your debate lies....but now a measely stupid using personal info lie.....

you're a pathetic person ***
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you're a broken record........and it was no typo...liar....just happens to be the initials of the two guys....i not only have called out and proven your debate lies....but now a measely stupid using personal info lie.....

you're a pathetic person who obviously is a shit preacher

I don't think I ever used ** as a nickname for you, and I will certainly refrain from using **... and ** had NOTHING to do with any firm. It had to do with your heritage ;)

... but I won't use it anymore.
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nice lies MM....you did and even damo knows it....thats why you're edited....

nice try

no lies at all... I know what the two letters stood for, and they were nobody's initials....

I'll give you one and only one hint... the last letter stood for BOY.

does one of the guys at the firm have that for a last name?