Which is your pick ghetto trash or trailer trash


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Jerry Springer has the best of both worlds. Black ghetto trash and white trailer park trash.

Which do you find more amusing.
Jerry Springer has the best of both worlds. Black ghetto trash and white trailer park trash.

Which do you find more amusing.

Trump trailer park.

BulletBob. You could be setting yourself up here. I would be cautious.


Yes I could be as I lived in the ghetto and I lived in a trailer park one time. So I a appreciate the best of both worlds and the humor of both.
When i lived in the trailer park my gal suggested we set up tables and chairs and sell drinks and snacks and sell seats to people to watch the show .And when i lived in the ghetto me and my 9nly white neighbor would patrol the complex of 20 units and make sure the junkies were not shooting up in the laundry room or screwing or leaving rigs in the kids play ground.And of course we would call the squad whenever we found dead bodys.
It was fun we would beat the living dog shit out of junkies thives etc. The owner of the apartments didnt care the police turned their heads . the only people who cared were the guy and woman selling heroin to the junkies and the junkies that lived there. The dealers wouldnt let them shoot up in their home because if the od they got problems . but if the were to od outside big deal.
Needles to say we got threats from people but I carried a gun and frankly im dad good with a baseball bat.
Yes I could be as I lived in the ghetto and I lived in a trailer park one time. So I a appreciate the best of both worlds and the humor of both.
When i lived in the trailer park my gal suggested we set up tables and chairs and sell drinks and snacks and sell seats to people to watch the show .And when i lived in the ghetto me and my 9nly white neighbor would patrol the complex of 20 units and make sure the junkies were not shooting up in the laundry room or screwing or leaving rigs in the kids play ground.And of course we would call the squad whenever we found dead bodys.
It was fun we would beat the living dog shit out of junkies thives etc. The owner of the apartments didnt care the police turned their heads . the only people who cared were the guy and woman selling heroin to the junkies and the junkies that lived there. The dealers wouldnt let them shoot up in their home because if the od they got problems . but if the were to od outside big deal.
Needles to say we got threats from people but I carried a gun and frankly im dad good with a baseball bat.

Well. You have more Balls than I have. I'd be too nervous of getting pricked by a Needle infected with HIV to be any place around there. :thumbsup:
Well. You have more Balls than I have. I'd be too nervous of getting pricked by a Needle infected with HIV to be any place around there. :thumbsup:

It wasnt a matter of being brave but caring for lori and her son. Having junkies running around the complex shooting up in the laundry room or play ground was something we could tolerate . We both had a woman and a kid in the house. either we stood up like men and took action or be a coward like dutch and hope some one would fight my battle.

The police didnt want to deal with it , and the landlord didnt care as long as he got his rent.
good old California and Baldwin park that was the last liberal shit hole I vowed I ever live in.
I was young them I do feel kinda bad as we seriously fucked some of them up and sent then to the hospital , but they would care less if they infected one of us or hurt one of our kids or women .
I would rather be ghetto trash eating lasagna in an Enzo Fosella suit
than trailer trash cooking meth in my soiled shorts and a wifebeater with holes in it.

That's just me, of course.
Opinions could vary.
I would rather be ghetto trash eating lasagna in an Enzo Fosella suit
than trailer trash cooking meth in my soiled shorts and a wifebeater with holes in it.

That's just me, of course.
Opinions could vary.

'Density'. I can handle the 'poor' part. I just don't want to be poor, and be stuck with a million other poor people in a crowded environment.
Fresh Air, clean Water, a surrounding of Nature, Personal Space ... there's a lot of Value in just THAT.
I would rather be ghetto trash eating lasagna in an Enzo Fosella suit
than trailer trash cooking meth in my soiled shorts and a wifebeater with holes in it.

That's just me, of course.
Opinions could vary.

as ghetto trash will you be cooking crack and selling it and shooting people ?
'Density'. I can handle the 'poor' part. I just don't want to be poor, and be stuck with a million other poor people in a crowded environment.
Fresh Air, clean Water, a surrounding of Nature, Personal Space ... there's a lot of Value in just THAT.

Ghetto actually means non-ethnically diverse urban neighborhood.
My "ghetto" wasn't poor. It was relatively dense, although the same apartment building complex with a stoop on the street had a backyard with fruit trees and a garden.

The country is nice if you're used to it,
but if you're not, one can be bored out of his mind.

It's nice to not have to get in the car for every little thing.
Urban life has everything right nearby.
One gets accustomed to convenience.
Kids walk to school right in their own city neighborhoods.
Ghetto actually means non-ethnically diverse urban neighborhood.
My "ghetto" wasn't poor. It was relatively dense, although the same apartment building complex with a stoop on the street had a backyard with fruit trees and a garden.

The country is nice if you're used to it,
but if you're not, one can be bored out of his mind.

It's nice to not have to get in the car for every little thing.
Urban life has everything right nearby.
One gets accustomed to convenience.
Kids walk to school right in their own city neighborhoods.

--->"The country is nice if you're used to it"<--- Probably the key, what you are used to.

'Density' seems to be a factor. People in crowded Elevators are always a little more tense. 'Personal Space' is important.

A ghetto, often the ghetto, is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially as a result of social, legal, or economic pressure. Ghettos are often known for being more impoverished than other areas of the city. Versions of the ghetto appear across the world, each with their own names, classifications, and groupings of people.Wikipedia"

I think 'Ghetto' translates to most as being 'Poor', along with 'Overcrowded City'.
--->"The country is nice if you're used to it"<--- Probably the key, what you are used to.

'Density' seems to be a factor. People in crowded Elevators are always a little more tense. 'Personal Space' is important.

A ghetto, often the ghetto, is a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially as a result of social, legal, or economic pressure. Ghettos are often known for being more impoverished than other areas of the city. Versions of the ghetto appear across the world, each with their own names, classifications, and groupings of people.Wikipedia"

I think 'Ghetto' translates to most as being 'Poor', along with 'Overcrowded City'.

People in rual areas may or may not thrive financially but I think they are happier. Probally the happiest time in my liife was working on the farm when young
People in rual areas may or may not thrive financially but I think they are happier. Probally the happiest time in my liife was working on the farm when young

that's because you have about as much as mental activity and snap as a cow. look at how stupid all your posts are, like a cow wrote them.
People in rual areas may or may not thrive financially but I think they are happier. Probally the happiest time in my liife was working on the farm when young

'Rich' people always seem to own Property in the 'Country' even if they have a 'Home' in the 'City'.
Yes I could be as I lived in the ghetto and I lived in a trailer park one time. So I a appreciate the best of both worlds and the humor of both.
When i lived in the trailer park my gal suggested we set up tables and chairs and sell drinks and snacks and sell seats to people to watch the show .And when i lived in the ghetto me and my 9nly white neighbor would patrol the complex of 20 units and make sure the junkies were not shooting up in the laundry room or screwing or leaving rigs in the kids play ground.And of course we would call the squad whenever we found dead bodys.
It was fun we would beat the living dog shit out of junkies thives etc. The owner of the apartments didnt care the police turned their heads . the only people who cared were the guy and woman selling heroin to the junkies and the junkies that lived there. The dealers wouldnt let them shoot up in their home because if the od they got problems . but if the were to od outside big deal.
Needles to say we got threats from people but I carried a gun and frankly im dad good with a baseball bat.

was that supposed to be in English?