Which lawn grass isn't racist?

THANK YOU! I'm just trying to be a good citizen who is socially responsible and inoffensive to everyone. (BTW, thank you Moron Marxist Mason for identifying yourself as a Marxist to distinguish yourself from Mason the Moron).

I think I will go with zoysia. Although, it's brown all winter and takes more time to mow in summer because of density. It actually does seem to be a grass variety that shouldn't offend anyone. Still, I'm going to poll a diverse sample of locals to make sure they're all good with that... Okay, I just got back from questioning. All the blacks said "Whaz dat?" all the Jews said, "Cha Ching!" All the fags hit on, me instead of answering. So, it's a go!

I've had Zoysia for years. It is beautiful grass, less subject to disease, doesn't take me any more time to mow. And, in all the years I have had this grass, it has not offended one person or made a single racist remark. However, the fertilizer I use is white granules.
I have some ideas. To avoid antisemitism, I can't use any seed variety that the nazis had their hands on. I probably should go with something engineered by an Israeli firm or something at least sold by jewish merchants. Unfortunately, the zionist fcktards in this forum are uselss in providing guidance.

Avoiding racism is far harder. Any grass seed native to Africa would be unconscionable appropriation. It would probably would be wrong to use any grass seed native to any country of colored people. And, it would be wrong to use grass native to historically white countries, because that grass itself is racist. The only way I see out of this catch 22 is to use grass of unknown nativity. Bluegrass is probably the most racist of the grasses.

poor goyim bobb
Spring is coming and I'm going to put down some grass seed. I don't want to offend anyone with the wrong grass, so could one of you morons who police such things tell me which lawn grass isn't racist or antisemitic?

This is a serious subject!

I have a list of offensive grasses I will not tolerate in my yard

Kentucky Bluegrass; racist
Ryegrass; anti MADD
Tall Fescue; insults short people
St. Augustine; offends atheists
Buffalo; PETA bitches
Creeping red fescue; encourages perverts?
Zoysia; no idea, not taking any chances on this one

This is a partial list from the most common grasses