Which Liberal Are You Voting For?

Which Liberal Are You Voting For?


    Votes: 8 50.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • McCAIN

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Other/Not voting/Undecided/Don't care which liberal wins!

    Votes: 7 43.8%

  • Total voters
And I'll be damed if I'll goose step to the republicans brand of Americanism.

You're generally pretty smart, but you're an idiot on MCcain. He just tried to shove an amnesty bill through congress and villified his own base when he was criticized. He believes more in defending Israel's borders more than america's. He is all for driving american wages to the rock bottom with his globalist open borders zealotry. He's a puppet to the Fascist Military Industrial Complex like noone else. He exhibits such moronic slavish devotion to his fascist noahide masters; it makes me want to puke.

The Guy was TORTURED for god sake. He's literally a brainwash victim and definitely suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
McCain has a lifetime conservative rating of 82% by the American Conservative Union. Last year he was rated 80% and the year before 65% so like Good Luck said, he is a moderate conservative.


No. I'm a moderate conservative. I believe that it's a womans right to choose on abortion and I'm ok with civil unions for gays, as long as it's not called marriage and that evengelical preachers have no business in a science classroom. I also believe in a strong millitary and foreign policy based on US interests. I'm a proponent of open markets and the staunch protection in individual property rights and that though progressive taxation is the only fair form of taxation, to much taxation is disincentivising and bad for the economy.

John McCain is a true conservative.

The point that I keep making to Dixie and WRL and the other reactionaries is that you can't consider someone liberal because they are not to the extreme far right like they are.
...but you either support the philosophies of conservatism or you don't.
I was told the same thing about liberalism. You either support us or you don't - coming from both extremes who have pushed so far apart that both extremes essentially support one type of totalitarianism or another.

There are severe problems faced by our society today. Neither political philosophy has a lock on solutions to all those problems. In some cases a more liberal approach would probably work better - but not the extremist liberal ideas being floated out there. In other cases the a more conservative approach will work better - but not the extreme "purist" (read totalitarian) "conservative" ideas being floated. Your brand of conservatism is not what a majority of conservatives believe, because the majority of American conservatives believe in the principles on which this nation was founded. Since that does NOT include the President suspending constitutional protections at whim, then neither the president nor those who blindly support the damned fool are true conservatives. You have stolen and poisoned the term for your own totalitarian purposes.

And that goes for modern liberals, many of whom have willfully taken on the mantle of socialist. That is NOT the liberalism of the founders, nor the liberalism that forms the basis of our society. It does not matter whether one supports warrantless searches, or whether one supports removal of the right to keep and bear arms, BOTH sides are proposing limiting or outright removing freedoms for the sake of safety. Both ideologies support totalitarianism as what is best for society. Sorry, not THIS society.,

This "either you're with us or against us" attitude from extremists in both camps sure as HELL will only make all the problems worse.

No. I'm a moderate conservative. I believe that it's a womans right to choose on abortion and I'm ok with civil unions for gays, as long as it's not called marriage and that evengelical preachers have no business in a science classroom. I also believe in a strong millitary and foreign policy based on US interests. I'm a proponent of open markets and the staunch protection in individual property rights and that though progressive taxation is the only fair form of taxation, to much taxation is disincentivising and bad for the economy.

John McCain is a true conservative.

The point that I keep making to Dixie and WRL and the other reactionaries is that you can't consider someone liberal because they are not to the extreme far right like they are.

You are not a 'moderate conservative'...you are a greedy Liberal....Like Steven Speilberg...only conservative when it comes to your personal bank account...everything else about you smacks of Liberalism...admit it already!:eek:
I was told the same thing about liberalism. You either support us or you don't - coming from both extremes who have pushed so far apart that both extremes essentially support one type of totalitarianism or another.

There are severe problems faced by our society today. Neither political philosophy has a lock on solutions to all those problems. In some cases a more liberal approach would probably work better - but not the extremist liberal ideas being floated out there. In other cases the a more conservative approach will work better - but not the extreme "purist" (read totalitarian) "conservative" ideas being floated. Your brand of conservatism is not what a majority of conservatives believe, because the majority of American conservatives believe in the principles on which this nation was founded. Since that does NOT include the President suspending constitutional protections at whim, then neither the president nor those who blindly support the damned fool are true conservatives. You have stolen and poisoned the term for your own totalitarian purposes.

And that goes for modern liberals, many of whom have willfully taken on the mantle of socialist. That is NOT the liberalism of the founders, nor the liberalism that forms the basis of our society. It does not matter whether one supports warrantless searches, or whether one supports removal of the right to keep and bear arms, BOTH sides are proposing limiting or outright removing freedoms for the sake of safety. Both ideologies support totalitarianism as what is best for society. Sorry, not THIS society.,

This "either you're with us or against us" attitude from extremists in both camps sure as HELL will only make all the problems worse.

Well, you have obviously made your mind up that I am an extremist, and those who think as I do are also extremists, and only conservatives who abandon conservative principles and suck up to liberals, are valid and legitimate conservatives. What you have done is water down conservatism to your taste, and insist this is what conservatism should be.

Slowly take a look at each issue one by one... Taxes, do you believe we need to tax people more to pay for the entitlements and more government programs? It's a YES or NO question, there is no in-between. Size of Government, do you think we should have bigger government to provide more services to the people, or smaller government to provide only the essentials? It's a YES or NO again, there is no in-between answer. Most every Liberal/Conservative issue is like this, there is the Liberal answer and the Conservative answer, there is no MODERATE answer!

You are the victim of propaganda. You've sucked up enough of their kool-aid to think they have made some valid points and we need to listen. It hurts your feelings to be looked down upon by Liberals, to be called a Neocon, or tied to Bush, so you think by appeasing the liberals, by seeming to adopt some of their views or side with them against the "extremist", you can make them like you again. Nothing could be further from the truth. Stop trying to "moderate" your conservative views, you are right and they are wrong, there is no need to be moderate.

Slowly take a look at each issue one by one... Taxes, do you believe we need to tax people more to pay for the entitlements and more government programs? It's a YES or NO question, there is no in-between. Size of Government, do you think we should have bigger government to provide more services to the people, or smaller government to provide only the essentials? It's a YES or NO again, there is no in-between answer. Most every Liberal/Conservative issue is like this, there is the Liberal answer and the Conservative answer, there is no MODERATE answer!

Those are not yes no answers. There are millions of degrees between the two and nuances that each individual could have. To chalk it up to yes/no is something only a conservative could do.
The point that I keep making to Dixie and WRL and the other reactionaries is that you can't consider someone liberal because they are not to the extreme far right like they are.

I wish someone would please tell me what conservative position I've ever taken that was "extreme?" I simply believe in Conservative principles, there is nothing 'extreme' about that. What has happened, is the Liberals have managed to classify any conservative view as "extreme" and you've bought into it. Nowadays, you can either be a liberal, subscribe to liberal ideals, or you are an extremist right-wing wacko.

It's okay, many people react this way to propaganda and brow-beatings, it's why the Liberals use the tactic. They know they can insult you and make fun of you enough, and your weak mind will eventually cave, you will come to see things their way because you can't handle being called names and ridiculed for your "extreme" position.
Those are not yes no answers. There are millions of degrees between the two and nuances that each individual could have. To chalk it up to yes/no is something only a conservative could do.

Waterhead, I know you are stubborn, but really, dude... there is no in-between answer to the questions. You can either believe we need bigger government, or you can believe we need smaller government, you can't believe we need a bigger government that is smaller, it defies logic.

Your last sentence is a perfect example of the insidious propaganda which has caused many conservatives to abandon conservative principles. By making such a statement, you insult me for my views, in hopes that I will "moderate" to a more liberal position on them to avoid further insults. As I said, it works well on the weak minded... mine, unfortunately, is like a steel trap.
Slowly take a look at each issue one by one... Taxes, do you believe we need to tax people more to pay for the entitlements and more government programs? It's a YES or NO question, there is no in-between. Size of Government, do you think we should have bigger government to provide more services to the people, or smaller government to provide only the essentials? It's a YES or NO again, there is no in-between answer. Most every Liberal/Conservative issue is like this, there is the Liberal answer and the Conservative answer, there is no MODERATE answer!

Taxation is a FAR more complicated subject than can be answered with a yes or no question. To say so is moronic in the extreme (another reason you are an extremist.) Among the questions of taxation include who and how much. Is a progressive system better, or is a flat tax better? Or what about the so called "fair tax"? And what government programs should be paid for by taxes? Do all assistance programs fall under your heading of "entitlement"? If so, by what means do you define entitlement. If not, by what criteria do we determine which are entitlement, and which are assistance? And what government programs should be kept? Would you support increasing NASA's budget? What about FEMA's budget? (or are you saying ALL government programs should be terminated?)

Size of government. Are there only two sizes? Define BIG as opposed to small. Is there nothing in between - like "just right for its purpose"? At what point does "smaller government" hit the wall of diminished returns? When does the size of government become too small to achieve its purpose? That point must be reached sometime prior to no government at all. Is there a definitive line drawn along the spectrum of government size that says "small" and all other points are "too big"? Where is that line? How was it defined? How many agree with the exact line you are looking at?

The fact is very few questions are as black and white, yes/no as you want. Absolutism does NOT belong in a free society: being the antithesis of freedom. As such, not only is there such a thing as moderate approaches to political questions, the moderate approach when compared to todays extremes of liberalism and conservatism is by far the more in keeping with the foundations our society is based upon.

Wanting black and white, yes/no answers is the symptom of totalitarians. It is all part of the "if you are not for us, you are against us" totalitarian mentality. The only people who are drinking kool-aid are the ones who promote their particular brand of totalitarianism and call it being American.
Waterhead, I know you are stubborn, but really, dude... there is no in-between answer to the questions. You can either believe we need bigger government, or you can believe we need smaller government, you can't believe we need a bigger government that is smaller, it defies logic.

Your last sentence is a perfect example of the insidious propaganda which has caused many conservatives to abandon conservative principles. By making such a statement, you insult me for my views, in hopes that I will "moderate" to a more liberal position on them to avoid further insults. As I said, it works well on the weak minded... mine, unfortunately, is like a steel trap.

How can I moderate you into a more liberal position? You just don't make sense dixie. No way to moderate that.
I wish someone would please tell me what conservative position I've ever taken that was "extreme?" I simply believe in Conservative principles, there is nothing 'extreme' about that. What has happened, is the Liberals have managed to classify any conservative view as "extreme" and you've bought into it. Nowadays, you can either be a liberal, subscribe to liberal ideals, or you are an extremist right-wing wacko.

It's okay, many people react this way to propaganda and brow-beatings, it's why the Liberals use the tactic. They know they can insult you and make fun of you enough, and your weak mind will eventually cave, you will come to see things their way because you can't handle being called names and ridiculed for your "extreme" position.
How about the idea that a president can put a U.S. citizen under military arrest and hold them without due process? That is an extreme position. In fact it is not even conservative - it is outright fascist.

The attitude that political questions can be answered with a simple "yes or no" is also extremist.

And let's not forget the attitude of "if you're not with us, you're against us".

You may believe you support conservative ideals, and in some cases you do support conservative ideals. (Supporting the current asshole in the WH is NOT supporting a conservative principle because Bush himself does not support many conservative principles.)

But the DEGREE to which you support those ideals, the degree to which you assume there are no valid options but the narrow set you define, the attitude you have of "us against them" when "them" are other Americans with differing opinions is what makes you an extremist.
You are not a 'moderate conservative'...you are a greedy Liberal....Like Steven Speilberg...only conservative when it comes to your personal bank account...everything else about you smacks of Liberalism...admit it already!:eek:

and as I keep saying over and over again, being to the left of a fascist doen't make you a liberal.

When extremist accuse others of being extremist, don't be surprized if it falls on deaf ears.