Which Monitors are Libs and Which are Conservatives

starting to sound like McCarthyism, isn't it? Any posting now he'll be saying "I have the names!!!"

well, like you said in another forum, best to ignore him....

but he said my postings were cute! (ok, he may not have meant it... )
starting to sound like McCarthyism, isn't it? Any posting now he'll be saying "I have the names!!!"

well, like you said in another forum, best to ignore him....

but he said my postings were cute! (ok, he may not have meant it... )
If I did not know better, because Zappy always followed that certain person around like a lap dog, just like he is doing here with you, probably just a coincidence. Butt, Zappy also followed me around, like he is doing on this post, trying to protect his Lib cohors, so I am not sure.
I could have sworn he asked this before...

I guess, like Bravo, USF and ILA, if you don't get the answer you want or get butt hurt you just start another thread.
I am sending a link to your lie about me wanting to "...." President Obama to the Secret Service. I want them to ask JPP to change their rules so that obvious weirdos like yourself cannot play your mindless games by using this Forum to post such a dangerous subject matter about me, and especially when you lie about my making any threats. Get ready dip sheep, your chickens are coming home to roost just like when your butt buddy Zappy had his huevos jerked, no pun intended Howey, I know how you are about Zappy's huevos, you want them all to yourself.....LOL....TOUCHE'
If I did not know better, because Zappy always followed that certain person around like a lap dog, just like he is doing here with you, probably just a coincidence. Butt, Zappy also followed me around, like he is doing on this post, trying to protect his Lib cohors, so I am not sure.

Somehow I am totally missing the meaning of that post. And I AM OMNIPOTENT!!! I should know the meaning of everything!

Time to get some chips reset ... or maybe I need a reboot... or just a good foot massage....

Life as ultimate dictator is SO hard; but I DO get to wear a tiara!
Sorry, I did mess up, and I apologize to the Forum, but this threat sheet posting is moore important than if I re-posted the same Forum question, big flippin deal. Maybe Howey needs to follow suit before the SS gets a hold of his ass, he has until tommorow or consider SS email a done deal.
Sorry, I did mess up, and I apologize to the Forum, but this threat sheet posting is moore important than if I re-posted the same Forum question, big flippin deal. Maybe Howey needs to follow suit before the SS gets a hold of his ass, he has until tommorow or consider SS email a done deal.

Not on you soon-to-be-incarcerated life, nutcase.
Sorry, I did mess up, and I apologize to the Forum, but this threat sheet posting is moore important than if I re-posted the same Forum question, big flippin deal. Maybe Howey needs to follow suit before the SS gets a hold of his ass, he has until tommorow or consider SS email a done deal.

Oh, shucks, SJJRSJJS, I'm being to think you're just a big ol' cuddly wolf, threatening to huff and puff and blow my house down when in reality you're just looking for a quick scratch behind the ears and a big juicy steak!

or it is possible I just inserted the wrong chip into my system... hmmmm... (leafing thru them) WHICH personality should I wear tonite? hmmm hmmmm hmmmm.....
Oh, shucks, SJJRSJJS, I'm being to think you're just a big ol' cuddly wolf, threatening to huff and puff and blow my house down when in reality you're just looking for a quick scratch behind the ears and a big juicy steak!

or it is possible I just inserted the wrong chip into my system... hmmmm... (leafing thru them) WHICH personality should I wear tonite? hmmm hmmmm hmmmm.....
"You are good, your real good, you are good, really good" Robert DeNiro(Analyze This)...best living male actor...is that you Scarlett?
Rhett, after all these years - could it be?

No, no, I mustn't hope; but tomorrow is another day, and who knows who shall appear when light thru yonder window breaks? Rapping, rapping on my chamber door....

oh dear, I believe I've stumbled into a literary tangled web of weaving.... which is what I get for deceiving ...
Rhett, after all these years - could it be?

No, no, I mustn't hope; but tomorrow is another day, and who knows who shall appear when light thru yonder window breaks? Rapping, rapping on my chamber door....

oh dear, I believe I've stumbled into a literary tangled web of weaving.... which is what I get for deceiving ...
The only Crow that I know is crow pie, which I ate in the last election....
I wouldn't call any of the mods liberal, and they are only conservative when compared to our liberals. Mostly they are libertarian and centrists.

That being said, I have been on these forums a long, long time. Go to Damo. The rest are fair too. But it is Damo's forum. If you have an issue that is serious, check with him. I think the results will be the same if you go to Billy or Grind, and the only issue with Soc is how long you may wait for a reply.
I wouldn't call any of the mods liberal, and they are only conservative when compared to our liberals. Mostly they are libertarian and centrists.

That being said, I have been on these forums a long, long time. Go to Damo. The rest are fair too. But it is Damo's forum. If you have an issue that is serious, check with him. I think the results will be the same if you go to Billy or Grind, and the only issue with Soc is how long you may wait for a reply.
What about Generic, The Administrator, he/she seems to be a big cheese? It appears to me that you Libs should also not want death threats to President Obama be allowed on this Forum, whether in jest or not? Even bringing up that subject should be taboo, I will get that rule implemented, so help me. I did complain to some Monitor named "Fire and Blood", it was like talking to a store manikin, no emotion, just re-quoting some outdated Forum rules about it is all right to lie, etc, total BS.
generic is also damocles.
Thanks Blood, I have sent a message to the Right person, I hope. I know that your hands are tied as to the post that Howey made, but that subject matter should not have ever been brought up in the first place, it should be taboo on any Forum. You don't talk about killing the President whether in a question form, a joke, being cute, etc. Bringing my name into that type of reply post is barking up the wrong tree for Howey, because as you already know, I will not sit idly by and allow it to happen. Howey opened a big can of worms and I am going to close it with Forum rule changes about specifically mentioning the killing of any sitting President whether in jest or not. I do thank you for your many replies to my inquiries though. I have gone on Google to see if these Forum posts show up and they do, so bringing that dangerous publically viewed subject up while directed towards me, or just as a stupid joke will never be accepted by me under any circumstances. I truly hope that Damo considers this rule change, and I am surprized that it was never brought up in the past. Do you actually think that the Secret Service would be happy that this subject was allowed to be posted on this Publuic Forum without management repercussions...not?
He who laughs last laughs longest. I get the impression that they are protecting your butt, but the SS does not give a sheet about who your are doing, they will be getting involved here and it will be all your fault Howey, not mine, because I have given you plenty of chances to repent online, to take it all back, to tell the Folks that you made it all up. This will be my last contact with you as the Forum is now, my next contact will be to post a reply email from the SS stating that they have contacted all the parties involved and that will include your ass Howey. The Email will prove that they got to you and put you on their list of posting jackasses, so you will not be able to deny it or lie your way out of it...Mensa rules again... I am Laughing my ass off again, sorry Folks, this sheet is hilarious