Which of the two parties do you identify most with


  • Republican

    Votes: 6 46.2%
  • Democrat

    Votes: 7 53.8%

  • Total voters
A good idea, but dream on there guy.
It ain't going to happen anytime soon.
It'll happen if the party nominates Huckabee. He'll lose, huge. Nobody here wants another fiscally irresponsible religious guy in the office. There is no way I will vote for him, and there are many in the party like me.
I was talking to one of the other lawyers at our office yesterday who was expressing some consternation that the Repubs (of which he is one) might nominate Rudy. He wants someone that is a social conservative born again. I told him that if his party would nominate someone that looked more like Ike, and had pragmatic, non-religious platforms, centerist dems and independents would vote Republican all the time. It is time that one of the parties steps up and eliminates the fringe of their party. If they did, the moderates from the other party would jump ship in droves. We need a socially moderate, pro-small business, fiscally conservative party to take a pragmatic view of government. The lefties and the righties could then form their own separate parties and fade away into non-existence.

ain't gonna happen. The minute the GOP proactively jettisons the religious theocons is the mintue they go back to being a semi-permanent minority party in congress, like they were for most of the last century.
ain't gonna happen. The minute the GOP proactively jettisons the religious theocons is the mintue they go back to being a semi-permanent minority party in congress, like they were for most of the last century.

The south is electing the same people as it always has been, it's just that they have an R behind their name instead of a D.
It'll happen if the party nominates Huckabee. He'll lose, huge. Nobody here wants another fiscally irresponsible religious guy in the office. There is no way I will vote for him, and there are many in the party like me.
I will neither vote for the huckster nor rudy. They're both turds.
It'll happen if the party nominates Huckabee. He'll lose, huge. Nobody here wants another fiscally irresponsible religious guy in the office. There is no way I will vote for him, and there are many in the party like me.

I think the ivory tower beltway pundits are underestimating the Huckster. True, he's a caveman who thinks the earth is 6,000 years old. And I'm horrified by him.

But, you know what? He's not owned by the DC elite, or the wall street republicans. There's something genuinley populist about him. And not populist in a good sense (to me), but a kind of pat buchanon populism, that is going to appeal to a lot of people.

Huckabee: "They don't control me. I'm not one of theirs. I'm not one of those guys that just owe my soul to the people on Wall Street. I'm not a wholly-owned subsidiary of them. I don't live in the circles of power in Washington. I really do come right up from the people...What I did do was improve children's health, education, the road system. But we didn't do it just for the people at the top. The tax policies and other things we did, it helped the people at the bottom so they might have a chance to live the American dream. For that, I apologize to no one."

I've been lectured, that the only explanation for Huckabee's surge (which I predicted months ago, I might add :)) is because he's a religious whacko. That's certainly true to a degree. But if religious whacko was the only criterion, Sam Brownback would have surged. I think huckabee has that rare combination, that appeals to fly over state rubes. A sort of down-home populism, an outsider appeal, combined with religious credentials. He scares the pants off the Wall Street republicans and the insiders.

Now, he could implode because of shit coming out of alabama. I think the establishment is now intent on torpedoing him. I think they see him as a threat.

And of course, he freaks me out. Bigtime. I don't like fundies. But, I think this guy is the real deal.
The south isn't actually that economically conservative. People will buy that stuff from the Republicans but only because they think the Democrats will make them go to jail if they buy a bible (I actually did see a cartoon to that effect in "The Mississippi Baptist" the other day, I still get that stupid newspaper from my days at a Baptist church).

But the Democrats won for a century in Mississippi for promising to take care of the working man. People just cared about religion and hating blacks a bit more.
There's more than 2 parties.

I identify with neither.

Its like asking, There's Nazi's and there's the Taliban, which one are you?


I understand where you are coming from, but I don't agree with either party being equated with the Taliban or Nazis.