Which presidents were best for private-sector jobs?

I've seen a few posters here arguing that Republican policies are better for private sector job creation. So, I thought I'd check whether that's true. Here's the annualized rate of private-sector job creation for each recent president, going back as far as the Federal Reserve site goes (1940):

Biden 5.20
FDR 5.04
LBJ 3.56
Carter 3.28
Truman 2.70
Clinton 2.63

Reagan 2.27
Nixon 2.11

JFK 2.04
Obama 1.27
Ford 0.86
Eisenhower 0.50
Bush (1) 0.42
Bush (2) -0.04
Trump -0.43

Yet somehow through all that you still need public assistance. Next.
Yet somehow through all that you still need public assistance. Next.

As you'll remember, I pointed out I've never actually had public assistance of any sort. I then asked whether you could say the same, or whether you're one of those people drawing Social Security and Medicare, or veterans' retirement benefits, or in some other way living off my tax dollars. I can't recall whether that ended up being the case. Can you remind me?
As you'll remember, I pointed out I've never actually had public assistance of any sort. I then asked whether you could say the same, or whether you're one of those people drawing Social Security and Medicare, or veterans' retirement benefits, or in some other way living off my tax dollars. I can't recall whether that ended up being the case. Can you remind me?

You can try and lie about that. It could not be more obvious welfare boy.
The rest of it sounds plenty smart to those smart enough to understand it. Keep working on your reading skills, though, and you'll get there. Good luck!

The rest of it doesn't matter. By using the word "furlough" you blew your own argument out of the water.
The rest of it doesn't matter. By using the word "furlough" you blew your own argument out of the water.

What makes you think that? Be specific: what particular position do you think I took and how, specifically, did the word "furlough" blow it out of the water?
I already asked you a specific question. You failed to answer. If you want more questions and specificity answer the first question...then we can move on.

No. If you reread, you'll see you did nothing of the sort. Rather, you made a statement and put a question mark at the end of it: 'You don't know what "furlough" means?' If you'd like to ask a question, feel free. Meanwhile, find the balls to answer mine. Good luck.