Which religion is more poisonous?

Mao potentially killed more people than World War 2 did.

Here's one you probably didn't know: Mao ordered sparrows eradicated from China because they were capitalist. Known as the "Four Pests" campaign, Mao ordered sparrows killed because they ate the "people's" grain and didn't work for it...

The result of this campaign, ordered by the scientifically illiterate Mao, was widespread famine as crops failed because the lack of sparrows eating bugs and other pests ended with their near extinction in China. Other pests, like bed bugs flourished too. By many accounts the famine was so great that people turned to cannibalism to survive.

The lack of sparrows in China became so severe in terms of unintended consequences that the Chinese government had to import tens of thousands of sparrows from Russia to replace the ones they killed off...

Just another day in radical Leftist utopia...

I trust you to keep repeating that old canard.

Never change. T. A.
The archaic birth control policy of the church helped the spread of AIDS in Africa, killing tens of thousands. They covered up numerous sex scandals resulting in many victims of sexual abuse. The church was complicit in the genocide in Rwanda.

Islam, IMHO is worse, but suggesting that the Catholic Church isn’t still a force of evil is willful ignorance. Sorry not sorry. Organized religion is net bad. Always.
The archaic birth control policy of the church helped the spread of AIDS in Africa, killing tens of thousands. They covered up numerous sex scandals resulting in many victims of sexual abuse. The church was complicit in the genocide in Rwanda.

Islam, IMHO is worse, but suggesting that the Catholic Church isn’t still a force of evil is willful ignorance. Sorry not sorry. Organized religion is net bad. Always.

but you admit basic morality is rational, right.

we don't actually need supernatural stories to choose a "high trust" society.
Religions have the same ethics as corporations or despots. They want more money and more power for those at the top. They want to grow. They will go to war against other religions. They will take over countries. Religions do not bring peace, but conflict. We would be better off without them.

on the other hand, since we are interested in truth, they are the source of most of the charitable acts of society and always have been.......are there any atheist charities?.....
on the other hand, since we are interested in truth, they are the source of most of the charitable acts of society and always have been.......are there any atheist charities?.....
Your posts prove you are not interested in truth, Pmp. You follow the Father of Lies.
A thousand years ago, Baghdad and the Middle East were the centers of science, philosophy, and the arts. They invented algebra, the numerical system and created great societies. They were advanced over Europe which was suffering from religious tyranny. What happened? Islam.
America was the most advanced society in the world the last couple of centuries. What is taking it down is Christianity. A large segment of America is against science, philosophy, and other religions. They are moving us back in time as Islam did in the Middle East.
Religions are insidious. They erode what makes us great and turn us back in time.
A thousand years ago, Baghdad and the Middle East were the centers of science, philosophy, and the arts. They invented algebra, the numerical system and created great societies. They were advanced over Europe which was suffering from religious tyranny. What happened? Islam.
America was the most advanced society in the world the last couple of centuries. What is taking it down is Christianity. A large segment of America is against science, philosophy, and other religions. They are moving us back in time as Islam did in the Middle East.
Religions are insidious. They erode what makes us great and turn us back in time.
"Christianity" isn't taking down anything, a few Fundamentalists are the one's who are anti-science.

Fewer in U.S. Now See Bible as Literal Word of God
A record-low 20% of Americans now say the Bible is the literal word of God, down from 24% the last time the question was asked in 2017, and half of what it was at its high points in 1980 and 1984. Meanwhile, a new high of 29% say the Bible is a collection of "fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man." This marks the first time significantly more Americans have viewed the Bible as not divinely inspired than as the literal word of God. The largest percentage, 49%, choose the middle alternative, roughly in line with where it has been in previous years....

...The majority of Christians (58%) say the Bible is the inspired word of God but not everything in it is to be taken literally, while 25% say it should be interpreted literally and 16% say it is an ancient book of fables.

More granularly, 30% of Protestants say that the Bible is literally true, compared with 15% of Catholics. Almost two-thirds of Catholics choose the alternative that the Bible is the inspired word of God, but every word should not be taken literally.
"Religion is poison" - Mao

The Catholic religion has a widespread influence in the entire world. We see the history of it.

Do we see that much influence with Islam? We all see suicide bombers and bombings. But that's a blip on the radar.

Megachurch religion? We don't see even that close to the Catholic religion.

The rest of religions? Just a burp.

Regardless, religion is poison.

Wrong. Ignorance is poison. Atheists are the definition of ignorance and hypocrisy. There is your danger.

Imagine, if you will, but I know you cannot because you're an uneducated dumbass, a world without religion. No morality. No laws. Ruled by powerful men in Government who kill their political opponents.

Of course, in the land of ignorant dumbasses where atheists wallow, morality is inherent and not learned. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Right wing Christianity is the most destructive so called religion, because this is a form of Christianity that has been twisted and perverted and shape into a tool for indoctrinating the not so intelligent with right wing ideology.

Ironic coming from an uneducated dullard indoctrinated with Marxism.