Which sanctuary cities first?

None, it is only an attempted Trump deflection off his other difficulties, he strives to dominate the media agenda no matter how inane the tweet, why not, if it is shown ludicrous, he'll just shout the media is picking on him and the Trumpkins will swallow it

You might be right for once, anchovies. The left sure seems triggered by it.
Hopefully you'll find out.

Really? That the kind of person you are? ...I kid. Of course, you are. You will be very disappointed if they do it and it goes peacefully. You would be sad if they got jobs. We all know that immigrants commit crimes at lower levels than the American population. So sanctuary cities will become safer.
Really? That the kind of person you are? ...I kid. Of course, you are. You will be very disappointed if they do it.

I don't think they will "do it," Nerdberg, but the hypocrisy of the left has been revealed to a global audience by their reaction to the threat. The ruse has served its purpose.
The majority of people who have been wanting more illegals suddenly don't want illegals anymore.

They never did want them in their own backyards. Now the whole world knows it. Trump is a master troll, and the DEMOCRATS fell for it.
Yeah, that would please you. Bet you hope leftys die . That would make your day. But leftys don't wear signs, so rightys would die from this invasion too.
Trump says they are rapists and murderers. What responsibility would he have if they were and he trucked them into cities?

Who did he call rapists and murderers? I know you won't be able to answer this, but go ahead and post your evasion.
The whole point of a Sanctuary city was NOT to "Take them in as a haven". I get that's what fucking Fox News told you. The whole point was to NOT use LOCAL POLICE AGENCIES to investigate, arrest and deport illegal immigrants. That's it. That's ALL it is.
The whole point of a Sanctuary city was NOT to "Take them in as a haven". I get that's what fucking Fox News told you. The whole point was to NOT use LOCAL POLICE AGENCIES to investigate, arrest and deport illegal immigrants. That's it. That's ALL it is.

Tough shit. :D
The whole point of a Sanctuary city was NOT to "Take them in as a haven". I get that's what fucking Fox News told you. The whole point was to NOT use LOCAL POLICE AGENCIES to investigate, arrest and deport illegal immigrants. That's it. That's ALL it is.

You forgot to add...not to inform ICE if they're illegal after being arrested (that's breaking two or more laws), even if ICE has them on their deportation or wanted lists.
You forgot to add...not to inform ICE if they're illegal after being arrested (that's breaking two or more laws), even if ICE has them on their deportation or wanted lists.

Let's keep it straight, mmmmKAY!??

Sanctuary cities” is actually a misnomer. While many Americans believe that it refers to a city that doesn’t prosecute immigrants, so-called “sanctuary cities” actually refer to something far more specific.

There’s no single definition of what is a sanctuary city, but generally speaking, it’s a city (or a county, or a state) that limits its cooperation with federal immigration enforcement agents in order to protect low-priority immigrants from deportation, while still turning over those who have committed serious crimes. But in the spirit of America’s founding principles as a nation of immigrants, sanctuary cities act as a protective shield, standing in the way of federal efforts to pinpoint and deport people at random.

Faith communities started what became known as the “Sanctuary Movement” in the early 1980s. It was a symbolic extension of the medieval practice of churches providing shelter to all, regardless of their crimes. But for a handful of faith leaders in the southwestern U.S., the immigrants that they provided sanctuary to weren’t outlaws. They were refugees.

Central America was racked by nonstop violence and civil war, and death squads forced waves of people to flee north from Guatemala and El Salvador. Appalled to see the U.S. government turn away those migrants once they reached the border rather than take them in, church leaders decided to intervene.

John Fife, pastor of the Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona, was one of the first to buck federal laws in favor of what he saw as a moral obligation to offer shelter to the vulnerable. He and a handful of other faith leaders started an underground network to smuggle refugees across the border to safety. The concept of “taking sanctuary” was quite literal. Central Americans, mostly families, were given shelter in the physical sanctuary of the church. At night, they would sleep between the pews.

“‘Sanctuary’ is an idea. It’s an action that people have always taken throughout history to protect the victims of human rights violations,” said John Fife, pastor of the Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona. “It was a different phenomena back then.”

Their defiance set up a major battle between church and state after the U.S. government infiltrated the movement. Fife was indicted in 1985, along with 10 other church workers, on a total of 71 counts that ranged from harboring illegal aliens to conspiracy. If the charges against church leaders were meant to have a chilling effect on sanctuary efforts, they did just the opposite. More than 500 faith groups would eventually sign onto the movement.


There are 300-plus sanctuary cities and counties that do not cooperate with ICE and ignore requests that they detail criminal illegals for ICE arrest and deportation proceedings. That is a problem when there are thousands at our borders each day, many crossing illegally. It's a far cry more than a few churches who offer shelter.
Why is it wrong to enforce the laws?
There are 300-plus sanctuary cities and counties that do not cooperate with ICE and ignore requests that they detail criminal illegals for ICE arrest and deportation proceedings. That is a problem when there are thousands at our borders each day, many crossing illegally. It's a far cry more than a few churches who offer shelter.
Why is it wrong to enforce the laws?

Like Tax fraud?
Let's keep it straight, mmmmKAY!??

Sanctuary cities” is actually a misnomer. While many Americans believe that it refers to a city that doesn’t prosecute immigrants, so-called “sanctuary cities” actually refer to something far more specific.

There’s no single definition of what is a sanctuary city, but generally speaking, it’s a city (or a county, or a state) that limits its cooperation with federal immigration enforcement agents in order to protect low-priority immigrants from deportation, while still turning over those who have committed serious crimes. But in the spirit of America’s founding principles as a nation of immigrants, sanctuary cities act as a protective shield, standing in the way of federal efforts to pinpoint and deport people at random.

Faith communities started what became known as the “Sanctuary Movement” in the early 1980s. It was a symbolic extension of the medieval practice of churches providing shelter to all, regardless of their crimes. But for a handful of faith leaders in the southwestern U.S., the immigrants that they provided sanctuary to weren’t outlaws. They were refugees.

Central America was racked by nonstop violence and civil war, and death squads forced waves of people to flee north from Guatemala and El Salvador. Appalled to see the U.S. government turn away those migrants once they reached the border rather than take them in, church leaders decided to intervene.

John Fife, pastor of the Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona, was one of the first to buck federal laws in favor of what he saw as a moral obligation to offer shelter to the vulnerable. He and a handful of other faith leaders started an underground network to smuggle refugees across the border to safety. The concept of “taking sanctuary” was quite literal. Central Americans, mostly families, were given shelter in the physical sanctuary of the church. At night, they would sleep between the pews.

“‘Sanctuary’ is an idea. It’s an action that people have always taken throughout history to protect the victims of human rights violations,” said John Fife, pastor of the Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson, Arizona. “It was a different phenomena back then.”

Their defiance set up a major battle between church and state after the U.S. government infiltrated the movement. Fife was indicted in 1985, along with 10 other church workers, on a total of 71 counts that ranged from harboring illegal aliens to conspiracy. If the charges against church leaders were meant to have a chilling effect on sanctuary efforts, they did just the opposite. More than 500 faith groups would eventually sign onto the movement.



So you agree that they would be safe there and protect from ICE and deportation. :good4u:
Maybe Trump is talking about those who seek amnesty. Trump is not very precise with words or ideas. Most of what he says has to be translated from orange speak to English.