Which Side

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Facts are facts. :)

Yes, they are!


You two would look cute in matching suicide vests. What would be your target(s)?

You're delusional.

Not all racists are violent, just as Not all anti racists are violent.

You're a severely brainwashed being.

You have no solutions.

If you don't have solutions, you are Part of the problem.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Ummmm....there's a lot of ways that can go.

There are three main means of behavioral modification: Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement and punishment.

Punishment produces the fastest results, but is the shortest lasting. Positive reinforcement takes the longest but has the longest lasting results.

Banning shit is punishment. It's punishing people for doing something. Better, IMO, to reward them for being good people.

The reason the NFL has taken an aggressive approach to getting the message out is because of Kaepernick, and the fact that there are so many black players. It remains a crying shame that nobody has picked up Kaepernick and taken advantage of his talent. He should be back on the field.

The reason NASCAR has not done more is because most of the drivers, teams and fans are good old white boys from the South.
Again, pull head out of asshole. He's only selectively pro tariff. He's a full-blown globalist when it puts money in his pocket. He sure as shit doesn't give a two fucks about you.

Wrong again, kid, but thanks for the proof you are not as bright as you believe yourself to be.

#LOSER45 owns properties around the world -- even in that boogeyman country of China. Alsotoo:

"President Donald Trump's US properties imported more than eight tons of Chinese goods since September, according to a CNN analysis.

"More than six tons of tables were shipped to Trump International Hotel in New York last fall and two tons of cabinets were delivered to Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles in May, CNN reported."

Date of article: 7.2020 Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/tru...rted-more-than-8-tons-of-chinese-goods-2020-7

What do you want to bet that exactly zero % of those goods were under tariffs? :laugh:
Hello Dutch Uncle,

It's pure politics and showmanship. Sure, they are trying to do the right thing, but I'm not as sure it's the best path to optimize results. Results, of course, meaning the eradication of racial divisions among Americans.

Many cities have named streets 'Martin Luther King' Street.

Very good move. We need much more of that.
#LOSER45 owns properties around the world -- even in that boogeyman country of China. Alsotoo:

"President Donald Trump's US properties imported more than eight tons of Chinese goods since September, according to a CNN analysis.

"More than six tons of tables were shipped to Trump International Hotel in New York last fall and two tons of cabinets were delivered to Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles in May, CNN reported."

Date of article: 7.2020 Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/tru...rted-more-than-8-tons-of-chinese-goods-2020-7

What do you want to bet that exactly zero % of those goods were under tariffs? :laugh:
This is why his America first was such a farce. He caused real damage and death, farmer suicides, with his trade policies that achieved absolutely nothing.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

It's pure politics and showmanship. Sure, they are trying to do the right thing, but I'm not as sure it's the best path to optimize results. Results, of course, meaning the eradication of racial divisions among Americans.

Can't hurt. Subliminal stuff is powerful.
I don't agree with polack on everything.

why are you for race based quotas if you're so not racist?
You're delusional.

Not all racists are violent, just as all anti racists are violent.

You're a severely brainwashed being.

You have no solutions.

If you don't have solutions, you are Part of the problem.
Maybe you two can just blow each other instead of blowing yourselves up.

Both of you are in deep need of some relief. That's one solution to your problems. There are other options.
Projection, you need to cultivate self awareness

Western Europeans lack self awareness.

Why else would they go berserk looting & shooting the World in racial genocide.
Then do a 180
Supporting other races looting & shooting their own countries in racial suicide.

Neither are self awareness.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Can't hurt. Subliminal stuff is powerful.
Disagreed since it's more in-you-face divisiveness than subliminal. It's on the Road of Good Intentions to be sure, but it's still a road that splits people.

Subliminal is very subtle, but doesn't work alone.