There are some crimes that they should bring back public hangings for. This is one.
The deterrent is the armed security behind the only locked entrance.
You need a bunker.
I agree and with today's ability to do live broadcast from just about everywhere, I say it be televised for free with ample warnings about what is going to be happening.
Watching a murder be put to death may very well deter someone who is thinking of committing a crime, where he puts people's lives in danger.
We as a society decided that we needed to be humane to those who care very little for humanity.
Bring back the gibbet, at the edge of town.
Great. that is what ISIS does. They think like you do. Most backward 3rd world dictatorships love public executions. This is a list of countries that execute. Your 3rd world, revenge thinking belongs there. These are places that think like you,
Is that what ISIS does or were you just trying to voice an opinion??
Do you keep up with anything> This is well known. They not only publically execute, but run videos to all the followers. Bet you like that.
Obviously you don't take murdered kids in school seriously.
Obviously you don't understand much at all. There were signs at the school saying Gun Free Zone. So the shooting did not happen. A sign will not make you safe. It will change nothing. Do you see humor in that?
Did I say anything about hanging anyone by their ankles?
They executed them. Are you unable to follow a video? that explains why English escapes you. ISIS has held public executions for years. Your lack of knowledge is impressive. This one give you a boner?
My money is on the latter...
That you made the decision to include the video, doesn't mean it's relevant to what I've offered.
Do the Armed Police Officers in the School need a Sign?
Yeah, you think public executions work as a deterrent. You are wrong. It just satisfies people who have base instincts of hate and revenge. You just want to watch a person die .