I don't know, it probably has something to do with the Socialist party being the only party that voted against the Enabling act, and the fact that many Socialists and Communists that you now label as Nazi's were murdered and executed by the Nazi regime, and tens of millions died fighting it, putting more into the effort than America and Britain combined. But Nazi = bad, and Socialist = bad, so Nazi = Socialist. Why don't you go up and tell the grandchildren of the Socialists who were executed for fighting the Nazi's that their grandfather was a Nazi? Good luck making it out of that house alive. Conservatives are truly disgusting human beings.
It reminds me of the time I read on Conservapedia that Trofim Lysenko, an evolution denier in the Soviet Union who supported an outdated theory that competed with Darwinist in the 19th century, was an evolutionist. His state supported ideology violently suppressed the evolutionists in the Soviet Union from the 30's into the 60's. People were executed in the Soviet Union for supporting evolution. And Conservatives, for their idiotic ideological reasons, label this man an "evolutionist", because "evolution" = bad, and "Communist" = bad, so Evolutionist = Communist. Fucking disgusting. Do the world a favor and kill yourselves.