While the proles bitch about shutdowns and Obamacare...

I am absolutely loath to admit this in public, but I agree with Taft2016 on this one. Cops aren't stupid -- if they're looking for guns and they see the seal of a major government security agency on the top of a piece of paper, they are in every way allowed to continue reading and, if they find the papers suspicious in context, take them. It might suck for the press lady, but until it's established that she's using those documents in her role as a journalist and not as a spy/terrorist/whatever, they're potential evidence.

If they keep the papers once that potential criminal charge has evaporated, well, that's bullshit.
Libertarians love to wax lyrical about the Founders and how today's police trample the Constitutional rights of individuals as guaranteed by the Consitution.

Unmitigated BS.

The first search and seizure case did not reach the US Supreme Court until 1913. Prior to that, *ANY* search done by law enforcement was considered reasonable, no matter what the cirucmstances. And even that 1913 case only applied to federal law enforcement. Local law enforcement were not included until years later.

So for the libertarian theory to stand up to scrutiny, we would have to conclude that immediately upon enaction of the US Constitution, the country was instantly taken over by big government liberals for 125 years, who trampled upon the Constitution and individual rights.... all the way until Constitutional originalists like, oh... Thrugood Marshall came along.

Which is just blithering nonsense. What libertarians are in love with is not the United States Constitution. They are in love with liberal court rulings.