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Slavery Remarks Spark Outrage
Black And Jewish Leaders Criticize Va. Lawmaker's Comments In Slavery Apology Debate

(AP) A Virginia state legislator is sparking outrage over remarks made arguing against a proposed apology by the state to the descendants of slaves.

Republican delegate Frank D. Hargrove, in comments published Tuesday in The Daily Progress of Charlottesville, Va., said slavery ended nearly 140 years ago with the Civil War and added: "I personally think that our black citizens should get over it."

The newspaper also quoted the 79-year-old lawmaker as saying: "Are we going to force the Jews to apologize for killing Christ?"

Responding to his critics Tuesday, Hargrove, who is 79, told a delegate whose Jewish ancestors immigrated from Nazi-occupied Poland that the delegate's skin is "a little too thin."

Republican delegate Frank D. Hargrove, in comments published Tuesday in The Daily Progress of Charlottesville, Va., said slavery ended nearly 140 years ago with the Civil War and added: "I personally think that our black citizens should get over it."

This is stupid.

Everyone knows that people today aren't personally responsible for slavery. But, there's nothing wrong with apologizing for the actions of the nation and our government, for promoting slavery in the past.
I couldn't care less if the government issued some sort of official apology for the actions of people running the nation before my ancestors got here...
I'll answer this and take the hits for my answer. Remember, I am answering this and I am not a black person nor am I a Jew, I am just an indian from Oklahoma. I would not oppose nor support such legislation as I feel it does no good. I do, however, feel that he is right in his assertion that some segments of our society need to "get over it" and "grow thicker skin." I will add more later but will take the hits for what I have stated so far first. Let 'er rip. :)
The newspaper also quoted the 79-year-old lawmaker as saying: "Are we going to force the Jews to apologize for killing Christ?"

That had nothing to do with the United States and the American government. That was the Roman Empire - which is long gone and extinct.

Up until about 40 years ago, blacks spent 400 years of history in this nation either under the institution of slavery, or under the institution of government-sanctioned apartheid (especially in the south).
I'll answer this and take the hits for my answer. Remember, I am answering this and I am not a black person nor am I a Jew, I am just an indian from Oklahoma. I would not oppose nor support such legislation as I feel it does no good. I do, however, feel that he is right in his assertion that some segments of our society need to "get over it" and "grow thicker skin." I will add more later but will take the hits for what I have stated so far first. Let 'er rip. :)

Well I won't zing you for that, it is the way I feel too.
Certain elements mentioned in this thread are just palinly too touchy about anything they don't approve of being said about them.
The newspaper also quoted the 79-year-old lawmaker as saying: "Are we going to force the Jews to apologize for killing Christ?"

That had nothing to do with the United States and the American government. That was the Roman Empire - which is long gone and extinct.

Up until about 40 years ago, blacks spent 400 years of history in this nation either under the institution of slavery, or under the institution of government-sanctioned apartheid (especially in the south).

No it was the Jewish church leaders that insisted on killing Christ, not the Romans....
I'll agree with that, uscitizen, as are most pseudo-Christian Jew (Israel) supporters. I think you (correctly) pointed out earlier that many groups in our society are "overly touchy." I think that is definitely true.....heck, sometimes I am overly touchy about a general statement towards Christians or when someone acts like I'm dumb just because I am not from the North-east or a coastal state. Maybe we live in a touchy age, I don't know?
I am not sure why it is that way either leaning, but we seem to place too much emphasis on things that are really insignificant in the overall scheme of things and ignore the important stuff.
It is because we live in a PC policed world now. If I were to say...

"if the black community truly wanted appologies, they should appologize to each other for all of the black on black crime that takes place TODAY rather than waiting for the current government to apologize for something that took place DECADES in the past."

...then would I be a racist???
It was the Romans, however, who carried out the 'sentence' (with the 'permission' of Pilate by his inaction to stop it (the washing of the hands).

That's true, but who was responsible for taking Him to the Romans. The only reason they took Him there was because they couldn't pass a death sentence themselves.......and that's what they wanted....."Crucify Him!!!"
Does anyone care if modern Germany appologises for the past sins of WWII Germany?
The Catholic church took 500 years to apologize for the church's involvement in the inquistion, the persecution of jews, heretic, and scientists. Its never too late to apologize for past atrocities. Its a decent way to set the historical record straight.
The death of Christ was planned. Without the sacrifice your forgiveness would never have been acheived...

At least read your book. The "traitor" was ordered to do what he did... He predicted it earlier speaking of the temple to be rebuilt in three days. The idea that somebody should be punished for what was ordered and planned is a bit beyond me. I can't quite understand the concept of that.