White Church Folks Are Really Terrified Of Brown People

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
White evangelicals are losing their minds because they see the increase of Black and brown folks in America as a negative for the country, according to a report from The Washington Post. Yep, to them, racial and ethnic diversity is a terrible thing — unless these melanin-blessed folks are picking their fruit or are their servants.

And of course there is a Trump link, with the paper reporting, “White evangelicals continue to overwhelmingly support Trump. More than three quarters (77 percent) of white evangelical Protestants have a favorable opinion of Trump. And half of white mainline Protestants and white Catholics — groups that have supported Democratic presidents in the recent past — have favorable views of Trump.” Clearly, Trump’s racism is the draw.

The census projects that by 2045, white folks will be in the minority .

Clearly, white Christians praying to their lily white God are afraid of the browns and Black taking over.


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Shift to a Majority-Minority Population in the U.S. Happening Faster than Expected

And this was from six years ago and the process has since sped up



And from fox news

White population aging rapidly in US, dying faster than babies are born, data show

“White fertility has gone down. There’s a little bit less white immigration in the last year. As the white population becomes older, that means that even if fertility gets up a little bit, it’s not going to be what it was a long time ago.”

- William Frey, a demographer


We can see today at trump rallies , which contain old white poorly educated people and some of their uneducated spawn , remember them now, as they won't be around for long



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White evangelicals are losing their minds because they see the increase of Black and brown folks in America as a negative for the country, according to a report from The Washington Post. Yep, to them, racial and ethnic diversity is a terrible thing — unless these melanin-blessed folks are picking their fruit or are their servants.

And of course there is a Trump link, with the paper reporting, “White evangelicals continue to overwhelmingly support Trump. More than three quarters (77 percent) of white evangelical Protestants have a favorable opinion of Trump. And half of white mainline Protestants and white Catholics — groups that have supported Democratic presidents in the recent past — have favorable views of Trump.” Clearly, Trump’s racism is the draw.

The census projects that by 2045, white folks will be in the minority .

Clearly, white Christians praying to their lily white God are afraid of the browns and Black taking over.



Southern Evangelical whites may well have many among them, but I don't see it among Catholics that I know of. Quite a few brown Catholics around, especially Mexican, and Honduran.

I think you posted the wrong link; this one is about the perception of public health risks of sex and gender dynamics.

"Tuning in to the latest season of Dear White People might help public health researchers see how the public health focus on risk could be better tailored to account for relationship dynamics, how sexual identities can be fluid and how gender roles can influence sexual decision making. And it also might remind them how complex young love can be."
White evangelicals are losing their minds because they see the increase of Black and brown folks in America as a negative for the country, according to a report from The Washington Post. Yep, to them, racial and ethnic diversity is a terrible thing — unless these melanin-blessed folks are picking their fruit or are their servants.

And of course there is a Trump link, with the paper reporting, “White evangelicals continue to overwhelmingly support Trump. More than three quarters (77 percent) of white evangelical Protestants have a favorable opinion of Trump. And half of white mainline Protestants and white Catholics — groups that have supported Democratic presidents in the recent past — have favorable views of Trump.” Clearly, Trump’s racism is the draw.

The census projects that by 2045, white folks will be in the minority .

Clearly, white Christians praying to their lily white God are afraid of the browns and Black taking over.



The problem is that too many black and brown folks are becoming more entitlement minded thinking someone owes them something.