Mason Michaels
Verified User
You're a liar.
You know the people I know?
You're a liar.
To many!
You know the people I know?
That's your claim. I suspect you're lying.
So you never ate Black pussy?
I suspect you're racist!
Why would anyone lower themselves to do anything like that with a black?
I suspect you hide behind multiple accounts, coward.
Less filling,taste great!
I suspect you hide behind multiple accounts, coward.
I haven't hidden I have two accounts,this one and Shallon
Why the need for two? Can't you defend what you believe with one?
I suspect you're lying.
If you won't believe the truth,that's on you!
What account you think is me?
If you can't prove what you claim is the truth, it isn't the truth.
That, alone, proves you're a liar.
Except I'm not
Except you are not having proven your claim.
To bad!sucks to be you!
So you never ate Black pussy?