White Grievance Culture

Hello T. A. Gardner,

I agree with a lot of this.

Some exceptions:

There is no 'deep state.' That's just another ridiculous conspiracy theory; sort of like Q lite.

Don't take it so literally. Whether it exists or not, some believe it does so I just tossed it into the mix. It wasn't the point on its own I was addressing.

The MSM profited heavily from Trump. Maybe some of the people who work for the MSM are abhorred by Trump, but the executive and investors made a lot of money. Viewership has dropped off since Trump left office.

That's the power of celebrity. Obama was the same way only the press slathered praise on him. In a way, Obama was the darling of the celebrity driven media while Trump it's ultimate bad boy celebrity. Either way, it created lots of stories they could get viewers to watch and that in turn got them more money. Biden is a hidin' so-to-speak making him a celebrity nothing.

Fox Propaganda Channel didn't create government distrust. What it did was intensify it into rage.

Got news for you, distrust of the media is spread across the board and CNN, MSNBC, and many other Progressive, Leftist, and Democrat friendly outlets are less trusted than FOX.


This article is interesting in that it shows that the "most trusted" talking heads in news have ratings in the 20's and 30's putting them slightly ahead of their competition. A trust rating that low argues none of them are really trusted to tell you the truth.

This one shows that media bias is followed by trust by persons having the same bias as the outlet. That is, outlets that lean Democrat and Left are trusted more by Democrats and the Left, while those that lean Right and Republican are trusted more by the Right and Republicans. Imagine that!

Overall though, trust in the media has cratered in the last two decades and is way down overall.

I wish we could have a way to know how many of the insurrectionists are Fox viewers. I would expect it to be a very high percentage. They acted out the emotions Tucker Carlson whipped up.

I doubt there is correlation there however. Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation.

Somehow, a lot of people have gotten the idea that white men somehow 'have it bad' in America. That they are persecuted and being discriminated against. The idea is out there that if blacks are raised to the level of financial security of whites, that whites somehow are 'losing out.'

I think most people in America, White or otherwise, simply want a level playing field. It's the perception--real or imagined--that government is stacking the cards against them that is doing the most harm here.
I don't think much about White Grievance Culture- except that I have to share my White race with a bunch of racists that hate all minorities.

I can't believe that it is 2021 and so many White racists still exist in the US. And now they seem to be calling for a civil race war!

Lol, Western White Protestants are by far the most tolerant & anti racist population to ever exist.

So much so in 100 years give or take Western White Protestants will be minorities just about everywhere.

You people are complete weirdos.
Considering all the racist wars, colonialism & genocides you carried out a couple of generations ago & earlier.
Considering all the anti Italian, anti Polish, anti Red neck & anti French sentiments floating around the USA.

Im calling that bogus.

“You know what’s interesting about the Poles?

They bury their dead with their asses sticking out of the ground, that way they got a place to park their bikes.”
Lol, Western White Protestants are by far the most tolerant & anti racist population to ever exist.

So much so in 100 years give or take Western White Protestants will be minorities just about everywhere.

You people are complete weirdos.
Considering all the racist wars, colonialism & genocides you carried out a couple of generations ago & earlier.

I suppose all races have some racists within their own. But, it is not the way of the future- it is a way of the past.
"Alarm bells are ringing about the dangerous implications of the behavior of the Republican Party. By doubling down on defense of the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen, punishing any members who reject that lie, refusing to support an investigation into the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, and unleashing a fusillade of voter suppression legislation across the country, many see these actions as an ominous new trend in American politics that threatens the foundations of our democracy itself.

Viewed through the lens of history, however, none of this is new. The hard truth is that whichever United States political party has been most rooted in the fears, anxieties, and resentments of white people has never cared much about democracy or the Constitution designed to preserve it. Those who do want to make America a multi-racial democracy must face this fact with clear eyes and stiff spines to repel the ever-escalating threats to the nation’s most cherished institutions and values.

Contemporary analysis of domestic politics is obscured by the historical fact that white Americans fearful of the ramifications of equality for people of color have moved their political home from the Democratic Party, which was their preferred vehicle at the time of the Civil War, to the Republican Party, where they reside today. In the 19th century, Democrats dominated the South, led 11 states to secede from the Union, and waged a murderous multiyear war against their fellow Americans. Today, it is the Republicans who are the standard-bearers of the modern-day Confederate cause.

Whatever the label, the party that prioritized protecting white rights has always been more willing to destroy the country than accept a situation where people of color are equal and can participate in the democratic process.

Donald Trump was not the first politician to refuse to accept the results of a presidential contest. After Abraham Lincoln and the anti-slavery Republican Party won the election of 1860, the Confederates did not waste time filing lawsuits and trying to bully state election officials into overturning their state’s election results. They simply severed their ties with the United States of America, seceded from the union with the defiant 1861 Cornerstone Speech by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens declaring that “the negro is not equal to the white man,” and quickly organized an army that killed hundreds of thousands of their formerly fellow countrymen.

The violence, bloodshed, and contempt for America’s democratic institutions did not end with the conclusion of the Civil War. Just five days after the Confederates formally conceded defeat and surrendered on April 9, 1865, Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth shot the president of the United States in the back of the head, having told colleagues that Lincoln’s speech in support of allowing Black people to vote “means nigger citizenship,” with Booth vowing, “That is the last speech he will ever make.”

Even passage of constitutional amendments ending slavery, securing equal protection of the laws to people of all races, and guaranteeing the right to vote (the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments) meant little to the political leaders committed to the concept that America is, first and foremost, a white nation. Much as Southern leaders in the past few months have passed a blizzard of voter suppression legislation in states across the former Confederacy, so too did their predecessors furiously draft laws designed to accomplish with pens and ink what they could not achieve with guns and bullets. "

The Party of White Grievance Has Never Cared About Democracy
From the Democrats of the Civil War era to the Republicans of the Trump years, the white party has always posed the greatest threat to our political system.

This is just more of our elected officials and the media’s divide and conquer tactics. Not every white person that believes that offshoring jobs, illegal immigration, and voting impropriety, among other things is bad for our country believe this because they are racist. These are issues that affect everyone regardless of race, but it’s more beneficial for our betters to stoke the flames.
"Alarm bells are ringing about the dangerous implications of the behavior of the Republican Party. By doubling down on defense of the Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen, punishing any members who reject that lie, refusing to support an investigation into the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol, and unleashing a fusillade of voter suppression legislation across the country, many see these actions as an ominous new trend in American politics that threatens the foundations of our democracy itself.

Viewed through the lens of history, however, none of this is new. The hard truth is that whichever United States political party has been most rooted in the fears, anxieties, and resentments of white people has never cared much about democracy or the Constitution designed to preserve it. Those who do want to make America a multi-racial democracy must face this fact with clear eyes and stiff spines to repel the ever-escalating threats to the nation’s most cherished institutions and values.

Contemporary analysis of domestic politics is obscured by the historical fact that white Americans fearful of the ramifications of equality for people of color have moved their political home from the Democratic Party, which was their preferred vehicle at the time of the Civil War, to the Republican Party, where they reside today. In the 19th century, Democrats dominated the South, led 11 states to secede from the Union, and waged a murderous multiyear war against their fellow Americans. Today, it is the Republicans who are the standard-bearers of the modern-day Confederate cause.

Whatever the label, the party that prioritized protecting white rights has always been more willing to destroy the country than accept a situation where people of color are equal and can participate in the democratic process.

Donald Trump was not the first politician to refuse to accept the results of a presidential contest. After Abraham Lincoln and the anti-slavery Republican Party won the election of 1860, the Confederates did not waste time filing lawsuits and trying to bully state election officials into overturning their state’s election results. They simply severed their ties with the United States of America, seceded from the union with the defiant 1861 Cornerstone Speech by Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens declaring that “the negro is not equal to the white man,” and quickly organized an army that killed hundreds of thousands of their formerly fellow countrymen.

The violence, bloodshed, and contempt for America’s democratic institutions did not end with the conclusion of the Civil War. Just five days after the Confederates formally conceded defeat and surrendered on April 9, 1865, Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth shot the president of the United States in the back of the head, having told colleagues that Lincoln’s speech in support of allowing Black people to vote “means nigger citizenship,” with Booth vowing, “That is the last speech he will ever make.”

Even passage of constitutional amendments ending slavery, securing equal protection of the laws to people of all races, and guaranteeing the right to vote (the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments) meant little to the political leaders committed to the concept that America is, first and foremost, a white nation. Much as Southern leaders in the past few months have passed a blizzard of voter suppression legislation in states across the former Confederacy, so too did their predecessors furiously draft laws designed to accomplish with pens and ink what they could not achieve with guns and bullets. "

The Party of White Grievance Has Never Cared About Democracy
From the Democrats of the Civil War era to the Republicans of the Trump years, the white party has always posed the greatest threat to our political system.

your a idiot
Hello Geeko Sportivo,

I disagree.

I appreciate hearing T. A. Gardner's input. He is one of the conservatives in the Forum who is able to politely speak to a point and give an honest opinion. That makes for interesting conversation and learning about how people of different views see things. It's a refreshing break from the all too predictable common boring insult fests.

Have you anything to say about White Grievance Culture?

Looks like it's pretty strong in the Republican camp, and it looks like Fox and Tucker Carlson is the big reason for the intensity.

We can agree to disagree on Gardner. Anyone who thinks talking about 'exterminating' homeless vermin is a Nazi. Period, full stop. I don't talk to someone who is as slimy and disgusting as that. There is no reason to give him a second thought. Just my two cents. There is NOTHING funny about evoking Nazi images and making a joke about them. Nothing.
Hello Concart,

We can agree to disagree on Gardner. Anyone who thinks talking about 'exterminating' homeless vermin is a Nazi. Period, full stop. I don't talk to someone who is as slimy and disgusting as that. There is no reason to give him a second thought. Just my two cents. There is NOTHING funny about evoking Nazi images and making a joke about them. Nothing.

I would strongly disagree with such a proposal as well in no uncertain terms.
Tucker Carlson, flashing his white grievance:

"Flashing an “ANTI-WHITE MANIA” graphic on screen, Fox host Tucker Carlson declared on June 24 that something must be done “to save this country” from the scourge of critical race theory “before we become Rwanda.”

Carlson’s barely veiled reference to a genocide that killed more than half a million people invoked images of violent racial conflict in the United States. The segment also came on the heels of Carlson’s full-throated embrace of the “great replacement” conspiracy theory on April 8 -- echoing a belief long held by white nationalists -- that a wave of “Third World” invaders is coming to replace you and reshape your country, and you, the audience, should do something about it. The segment drew widespread condemnation, including a statement from the Anti-Defamation League CEO calling for Carlson’s removal from Fox.

Carlson has often used his show to launder white nationalist ideology, and his recent attachment to the “great replacement” conspiracy theory, “white genocide” narratives, and race war fearmongering is the culmination of years of violent and racist rhetoric."

Tucker Carlson’s history of fearmongering about white replacement, genocide, and race war