White House chief of staff: 'We are not going to control the pandemic'

"Point of order"?...We dont follow "Robert's Rules" here......lol
Providing a public service?????.....WTF
The REAL truth is simply this: Prior to joining DP, you were booted off of your previous forum. I still remember the whining dissertation that you gave about how mean folks there were to you. In fact, it's the same whining persecution complex bullshit that you now claim occured at DP. The simple truth is that your alcohol induced, bipolar rants are a problem that you still cannot control.
I can see why you adore tRump so much. Both of you are whining crybabies who constantly "piss and moan" about someone being mean to you. My suggestion to you is to either "grow the fuck up", or leave a public forum.

Notice how you run when presented with the fact that I have cared about this bug more than almost anyone else, and how your "He is part of the Trump Tribe so he must think such and such" fantasy of a child fails to work.

Which is lack of honesty, something that you specialize in.
We know the mantra for the week will be "Super Coronavirus surge, ZOHMAHGOODNESS!"

We's all gonna dieeeee and it's Orange Man's fault! OhhhHhhhhhhh!


That might be because we are seeing an average of 70K+ cases, and we are having the equivalent of a 9/11 every few days. While Trump claims we are turning the corner and his chief of staff admits they have no plan. Feel free to stick your head in the sand. Unfortunately for Trump, most people are sticking their ballots in the ballot box. Trump is getting creamed.
That might be because we are seeing an average of 70K+ cases, and we are having the equivalent of a 9/11 every few days. While Trump claims we are turning the corner and his chief of staff admits they have no plan. Feel free to stick your head in the sand. Unfortunately for Trump, most people are sticking their ballots in the ballot box. Trump is getting creamed.

No. Leftists are going to get bitchslapped. Prepare to be bitchslapped, bitch.
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Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, portrayed an outbreak among Vice President Mike Pence’s close advisers as a matter of medical privacy that White House officials were right to try to keep from the public.

The comments came on CNN’s “State of the Union,” as Mr. Meadows sought to dismiss a report published in The Times about his effort to contain news about the latest White House outbreak, in which several aides to Mr. Pence, including his chief of staff, have tested positive in the past few days. However, Mr. Meadows did not deny its substance.


I'm guessing Mike won't be volunteering for the aborted fetus cure. He may be out for awhile.
Thanks for the laugh.

I'm just warning you. After slaps comes high-velocity copper-jacketed lead. This IS America, and we are NOT playing that. God Bless America.
If the slaps aren't enough to make you pay attention, well I reckon that really doesn't matter, now does it?
It's going to be America for Americans whether commie faggots like you like it or not!
Overruled, Commie Puke!
Slaps are just a "try to wake you up" type of thing.
I'm just warning you. After slaps comes high-velocity copper-jacketed lead. This IS America, and we are NOT playing that. God Bless America.

Are you threatening me and others, tough guy? Sure sounds like it. I'd watch the tone, pal.

Funny but grossly exaggerated. The cartoon is saying 223,000 Americans are too fucking stupid to understand the facts. While there's obviously a major problem that so many Americans are so politically polarized they distrust anything from the Federal government, that doesn't mean they didn't have a choice.
Are you threatening me and others, tough guy? Sure sounds like it. I'd watch the tone, pal.

I'm telling you like it is. I am from America, That is how it is. My tone is 30-.06 coming at all those against America's heads, and I am not capitulating or fucking around, punk!
It's on, bitch! Fuck all the commie pukes, let them talk that smartass shit when the ANTIFA are burning their house down and the only way out is real Americans.
Take your bullshit and try it on somebody else. I am over it. I already know.
Watch these nuts, commie faggot! Fuck You! Seriously.
I'm not threatening your pussy ass, but you might wish I was there for you one day. By then it's too late. You're fucked.
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Funny but grossly exaggerated. The cartoon is saying 223,000 Americans are too fucking stupid to understand the facts. While there's obviously a major problem that so many Americans are so politically polarized they distrust anything from the Federal government, that doesn't mean they didn't have a choice.

I think the hyperbole is appropriate. Many Americans got this disease because they had to interact with ignorant assholes. I constantly have to 'politely' ask people to put on a mask in the grocery store or stay the fuck away from me. They are, to a person, Trumptards. People like my kid have to go to work. He's constantly coming home warning of another 'team member' who had the virus. The failure of the Federal Government on this is epic. It has trickled down to the President's cult, and they are indeed a death cult at this point.
I'm telling you like it is. I am from America, That is how it is. My tone is 30-.06 coming at all those against America's heads, and I am not capitulating or fucking around, punk!
It's on, bitch! Fuck all the commie pukes, let them talk that smartass shit when the ANTIFA are burning their house down and the only way out is real Americans.

Suit yourself. I've saved this post and I will share it with the appropriate people. You were warned.
Suit yourself. I've saved this post and I will share it with the appropriate people. You were warned.

Go fuck yourself, you little Commie douche. Do it up, bitch!
You being a pusillanimous commie piece of shit has nothing to do with me..bet!
Share it with 100 ANTIFA. Ain't Skeered, bitch! They ain't seen nothin' like me, and never will. Derp!
Am I supposed to be scared? Somehow I am not,
When they come messin' 'round here? I am going to give them hell to pay. And then some!
Bad idea. Don't fuck with a cracker that's not fuckin' with you. it could end up very bad for you.
Like the last cracker that fucked with me, and I smashed his teeth right into the back of his throat.
He's on Death Row now, and that really wasn't his fault, but it is what it is and I am not playing around.
I beat the fuck out of him, though. I ain't the one. You ain't shit, punk. That's real
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I think the hyperbole is appropriate. Many Americans got this disease because they had to interact with ignorant assholes. I constantly have to 'politely' ask people to put on a mask in the grocery store or stay the fuck away from me. They are, to a person, Trumptards. People like my kid have to go to work. He's constantly coming home warning of another 'team member' who had the virus. The failure of the Federal Government on this is epic. It has trickled down to the President's cult, and they are indeed a death cult at this point.
Disagreed. It has the same effect as "grade inflation". Each side has kept trying to out-exaggerate the other until we ended up with a highly divided nation and a fucking moron for President. The fact Joe Biden is the best the Democratic Party can offer isn't inspiring.

We're winning, right? Like how the Sturgis Super Spreader can win you a Harley. And how not wearing a mask can win you lifetime supply of shiny new medical equipment.
Disagreed. It has the same effect as "grade inflation". Each side has kept trying to out-exaggerate the other until we ended up with a highly divided nation and a fucking moron for President. The fact Joe Biden is the best the Democratic Party can offer isn't inspiring.

We’ll agree to disagree. Studies show that north of 100,000 are dead due to the failed response. When trump tells his cult masks are for sissies and one of them spreads the virus that is on him. Can you imagine the US fighting a war in which a quarter million died and many of them died because of the incompetence of the CIC? And then he surrendered? This failure is epic and calling it less for the sake of uniting with people like the Marshall here? Nope.
We’ll agree to disagree. Studies show that north of 100,000 are dead due to the failed response. When trump tells his cult masks are for sissies and one of them spreads the virus that is on him. Can you imagine the US fighting a war in which a quarter million died and many of them died because of the incompetence of the CIC? And then he surrendered? This failure is epic and calling it less for the sake of uniting with people like the Marshall here? Nope.

Note difference between blaming solely Trump for all the deaths and your comment.

The failed response is a combination of Trump, Congress and each state. Some states are doing better than others. Is that to Trump's credit? No, of course not. Trump, without a doubt, is a factor and, IMO, failed in his leadership duties as President, but pinning every COVID death of on as you disagreed is wrong.

Trump's surrender is just more proof he's a fucking moron and unfit to be President. Where's a 25th Amendment when you need one?