White House Is Kissing a $15 Minimum Wage Goodbye

In all fairness we should know more about it than all those countries. When the government comes for the left also (and they will) only then will Americans band together.

I wouldn't place much faith in the left's ability to resist the kind of regime they are helping to build, Cap'n.

It wasn't leftists who brought down the Soviet Empire from within. It was a resolute America that broke the back of that dictatorship.
I wouldn't place much faith in the left's ability to resist the kind of regime they are helping to build, Cap'n.

It wasn't leftists who brought down the Soviet Empire from within. It was a resolute America that broke the back of that dictatorship.

Fuckin A
Let's see how many Republican senators from the poor redneck states vote against a minimum wage increase when it is presented by itself.

I expect all of them will.....but we both know that if all the demmycrats voted for it, it would pass.......does the fact that it isn't passing tell you anything then?.....
Won't government mandated higher wages tend to raise the cost of good and services accordingly?

Or are you advocating for government regulated price controls, too?

That's already a given as the price of goods is tied to the price of fuel.
It's just a matter of how high will it go, and will there Carter-level shortages?
$1.85 to $2.45 is already a serious increase in per gallon gas prices, and that's just 1 month in for Biden.
Won't government mandated higher wages tend to raise the cost of good and services accordingly?

Or are you advocating for government regulated price controls, too?

Dear fucking idiot

The current amount is already government mandated

We have raised it before

It will be raised again

Fuck you very much
so you think Congress WILL NOT vote for Covid relief as a reconciliation measure and instead will approve a $15 minimum wage as part of the Covid relief bill?.....

IDK but never underestimate the pull of "This will really fuck up the Red States" and "If you wish to have any future in this party you will vote as you are instructed to vote".

The Revolution is indeed here.
Dear fucking idiot The current amount is already government mandated We have raised it before It will be raised again Fuck you very much

Has the cost of goods and services increased since the minimum wage was last raised?
When a few Rs are caught in the capital insurrection

They will need some special elections that may just produce some Democratic members