White House Plumbers. HBO show.

One of the funniest lines last episode was when Liddy was asked, "why are you wearing a wig? You've got it on the wrong way, by the way!" and Liddy responds, "I never do anything accidentally!".

"Melodramatic and devious in character, resembling the actor Gene Hackman in appearance, Hunt donned a cheap red wig and wore a device that altered his gait while casing another burglary site - the office of a psychiatrist to Daniel Ellsberg, who had released the classified Pentagon Papers."

From 2007 obituary.

Leave it to you to throw a wing-nut tantrum when someone's trying to have a light-hearted discussion. Right wing nuts have no sense of humor. I'm picturing you as someone like G. Gordon Liddy - someone who plays Hitler speeches at full volume during dinner.

Funny, I'm picturing you as someone like Ernst [FONT=DDG_ProximaNova]Röhm...

"Melodramatic and devious in character, resembling the actor Gene Hackman in appearance, Hunt donned a cheap red wig and wore a device that altered his gait while casing another burglary site - the office of a psychiatrist to Daniel Ellsberg, who had released the classified Pentagon Papers."

From 2007 obituary.


Did you see the latest episode? Dorothy Hunt really was killed on a plane crash with a CBS reporter and the FBI arrived to investigate prior to the NTSB. Wow!


"May 23, 2023 Cinema & TV
The plane crash where Howard Hunt’s wife died: a true story
Posted by Carlo Affatigato

"However, many weird elements were noticed around that plane crash. Above all, the presence of the FBI, which arrived on the scene 45 minutes after the crash, before the official investigators from the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board). The FBI requested access to the control tower tapes even before NTSB. On Wikipedia, you can read an extract of the letter the NTSB chairman sent to the FBI Director in 1973, raising concerns about what really happened in that crash:

Howard Hunt’s wife, Dorothy Hunt, was the person who dispatched that money to everyone involved, for months: after the plane crash, $10,000 in cash was found on Dorothy. But the theory is that the Hunts and the burglars were unhappy about the situation, the money was not enough, and Dorothy Hunt was close to revealing classified information to the press, offering Howard Hunt’s point of view and potentially involving the White House. That could be the reason why the CBS news correspondent was present on that flight."
Did you see the latest episode? Dorothy Hunt really was killed on a plane crash with a CBS reporter and the FBI arrived to investigate prior to the NTSB. Wow!


"May 23, 2023 Cinema & TV
The plane crash where Howard Hunt’s wife died: a true story
Posted by Carlo Affatigato

"However, many weird elements were noticed around that plane crash. Above all, the presence of the FBI, which arrived on the scene 45 minutes after the crash, before the official investigators from the NTSB (National Transportation Safety Board). The FBI requested access to the control tower tapes even before NTSB. On Wikipedia, you can read an extract of the letter the NTSB chairman sent to the FBI Director in 1973, raising concerns about what really happened in that crash:

Howard Hunt’s wife, Dorothy Hunt, was the person who dispatched that money to everyone involved, for months: after the plane crash, $10,000 in cash was found on Dorothy. But the theory is that the Hunts and the burglars were unhappy about the situation, the money was not enough, and Dorothy Hunt was close to revealing classified information to the press, offering Howard Hunt’s point of view and potentially involving the White House. That could be the reason why the CBS news correspondent was present on that flight."

Yes, thanks. I did look that up. Did not remember that part of history.