You assume and insinuate three simple words to mean something totally different, yet you call others morons?
Totally different from what? Those 3 words are self explanatory. They isolate blacks from the rest of racial humanity. There’s no equality insinuated with any other race. It pronounces that black’s lives are more worthy and valued and blacks are the elite master race. The 3 words are a fascist pronouncement.
If you don't say "TOO", then I'm saying my life matters! No more, no less!
Where are you saying any such thing? You’re excluding all of humanity except YOU. Y’all fucking leftist lie! You try to cover your stupid asses by claiming words say what you want them to say rather than what they actually say.
If I do say "TOO", then I'm insinuating then I'm adding meaning to the statement, saying that it isn't just my life that matters, but someone else's as well.
So your lying ass is now claiming that the word “TOO” has no meaning because you claimed that not saying “TOO” also says your words are including
something “more or less” and only god knows who or what. Such garbage is typical of leftist racist pigs.
The problem is, you are adding an 'ONLY' into your meaning of three simple words that your feeble mind can't comprehend.
“Black Lives Matter” needs no “ONLY” to be a black racist fascist elitist statement. Those 3 little words do that all by themselves, moron!
When they are black people we don't agree with, they are thugs. We already know your racist code words, but go ahead and keep using them.
For your information moron, It’s not the “blackness” I disagree with, it’s the racist fascist elitist slogan I disagree with and only thugs black or any other skin color that promote such fascism is either a dupe or a fascist racist pig!
Why would I have to? That isn't the point of their organization. They are trying to legitimize their own lives,
They’re trying to legitimize separatism, fascism, bigotry and racial unrest.
but racists have trouble giving legitimacy to them.
I never give legitimacy to racism from any skin color of fucking fascist racist bigots, but the evidence is clear that you do.
They can't even get past a three word title.
Words have meanings asshole! They say what they say not what you want to lie and claim they say.
After that, all you use is confirmation bias to try and prove your point as to why we shouldn't accept that their lives matter.
What you’re calling bias moron is non-reputable “EVIDENCE.”