White Man Exercising Free Speech Rights is Assaulted by Black Man

It would be interesting to get this in court. It was assault, but the assaultee caused it. It would not have happened if he just shut up and didn't cause trouble. He is the cause., Free speech has limitations.
It would be interesting to get this in court. It was assault, but the assaultee caused it. It would not have happened if he just shut up and didn't cause trouble. He is the cause., Free speech has limitations.

That's like saying a spoon/fork is the cause of obesity.

Are you justifying assault when the one doing it doesn't like what the one he/she assaults has to say?
Obviously the black man didn't realize the white man had free speech rights.

Still stupid after all these years. The Supremes carved out an exception for "fighting words" .They were defined as face to face insults directed at a person intended to provoke a response. So again, your ignorance is showing. Keep posting Vile, someday you might get something right.