White man's burden.

As one of your "masses", let me be the first to politely decline your offer to be led. The idea that some race-baiting loser would try and provide leadership, based on some vague claim of superiority, is laughable. I choose my leaders based on the talents of the individual. In that are you fail miserably.

Besides, I couldn't follow someone incapable of forming a proper sentence. Grammatical ignorance does not inspire confidence.
Quite possibly the smartest thing you have said. So both your parents were idiots too?
The criminality that blacks engage in has a genetic disposition. Ever wonder why blacks from Africa and w.indies do better and commit less crime than african-americans?
The criminality that blacks engage in has a genetic disposition. Ever wonder why blacks from Africa and w.indies do better and commit less crime than african-americans?

So.... America is the problem, not the colour of their skin!
God I love when those who fear ZOG rear their stupid heads. I imagine you are a great believer in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as well. Come to think of it, is that you Mel? You people that fear " THE JOOS!"make me laff so hard. Next can you tell us all how hard it is to be a white man? I know you have ot in you.
The criminality that blacks engage in has a genetic disposition. Ever wonder why blacks from Africa and w.indies do better and commit less crime than african-americans?

Now this is funny. Wolfspineless, perhaps you should read your own nonsense a little better?

The main difference between blacks from africa or west indies is that their bloodlines have, typically, not been mixed with whites. So you are claiming that the blacks with white DNA are more apt to be criminals. lmao Thanks for that.