White People Need To Be Banned From KFC

Unless you're in college, then you get kicked out for it.

I am not, but I never really got in trouble for being un-PC when I was. Well technically they tried really hard once when I co-founded/wrote for an underground newspaper that started off as a thing just to mock people who lived in or frequented our dorm but quickly became insanely popular campus-wide. The administration was surprised to learn that 1) the people we made fun of approved of being mocked for their stupid shit because it was all in good fun and we were all friends and 2) the only people really upset were those who had done stupid shit that didn't make it into our paper, and of course, Bible Thumpers who were upset with anyone who did not live in Jesus 24/7. The whole thing was satire. Unsolvable puzzles, gossip, etc. The real school newspaper wanted me to migrate my comic strips over to them which was ironic since when I wrote for the real school newspaper, they wouldn't let anybody do a comic strip. Even the administration that hated our paper really liked one of the strips I was dong.
I am not, but I never really got in trouble for being un-PC when I was. Well technically they tried really hard once when I co-founded/wrote for an underground newspaper that started off as a thing just to mock people who lived in or frequented our dorm but quickly became insanely popular campus-wide. The administration was surprised to learn that 1) the people we made fun of approved of being mocked for their stupid shit because it was all in good fun and we were all friends and 2) the only people really upset were those who had done stupid shit that didn't make it into our paper, and of course, Bible Thumpers who were upset with anyone who did not live in Jesus 24/7. The whole thing was satire. Unsolvable puzzles, gossip, etc. The real school newspaper wanted me to migrate my comic strips over to them which was ironic since when I wrote for the real school newspaper, they wouldn't let anybody do a comic strip. Even the administration that hated our paper really liked one of the strips I was dong.

We had one of those too.
I like white people chicken places, they don't like dark meat. I love thighs and legs. Pro tip: If you show up a little before closing they sell dark meat cheap.