Can you imagine a Dem president getting involved in such silly and immature blabber like trump? Only Trump can get into a childish argument and make a dumb bet like that. But he knew you idiots would fall for it. You guys apparently think he is being presidential. You must match him in immaturity. I get embarrrassed when he talks, especially at his rallies. This is a dark and ugly time for America. Trump is a fucking crook and brandishing it. He does not care who knows what corruption he gets into.
Now he is helping Saudi Arabia cover up a murder of a reporter. But Trump hates reporters, they tell the truth and it makes him uncomfortable. Kill them all, he does not care. Our american laws and institutions mean nothing to him.
1/1000% of any race is absolutely not enough for anybody to make ANY claim to that heritage. Anybody claiming heritage that they have 1/1000% of is a fraud, and if they use it for personal gain, they are racist. People who defend super-white heritage-stealing politicians are racist too.
Knock off one or two zeros from 1/1000%, and the same still applies.