"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley
Isn't it curious that an evolutionary characteristic can cause so much division and hate. But consider too we all come from the same source and if you take a minute and multiply our grandparents by two a few times we soon see we are all related. But still somehow we cannot live with that as in our minds we are special, they are not. Weird huh.
As a person who has lived a long time and hopes to live a long time into the future, arguments against AA would be great if the same argument were used against white man affirmative action. (Full disclosure, I am white with PR from my father but you wouldn't know it.) I still remember an EEO investigator asking me why there were so few Blacks in the largest corporation on earth. I was young and I think I shook my head. But really let's face it prejudice existed plain and simple, still does. I never even told people I was half Hispanic, I may not have been hired in those days.
So anyway when the anti AA people can explain how we had the dumbest and most useless president in history in W, and why this is not white man AA I'll listen to their argument. Till then grow up.
This is interesting and the video is long but worth a listen if you have an open mind. When affirmative action was white - still is imho.
Amazon.com: When Affirmative Action Was White: An Untold History of Racial Inequality in Twentieth-Century America (9780393328516): Ira Katznelson: Books
"Assimilation, however, may be the push-pull in a society where linguistic, ethnic, and minority groups do not have the full benefits of the society, where prejudice and discrimination divide us. This may, then, be an appropriate time to review our literature and examine how it has evolved, and, in addition, to think of the next century."