White Privilege

It's true that CSI was a front for ACORN. This story is exploding.

During the third presidential debate, McCain made the additional charge that the Obama campaign directed campaign money to ACORN, calling the group "the same front outfit organization that your campaign gave $832,000 for 'lighting and site selection.'"

Here's what we know about that allegation: The Obama campaign paid a group called Citizens' Services $832,386 during the primaries. (For comparison, the Obama campaign has spent an overall $391-million through August 2008.) Some of the expenditures are listed as sound, stage and lighting, and others are listed as get-out-the-vote efforts. ACORN has said Citizens Services subcontracted out part of the get-out-the-vote work to ACORN, but ACORN officials say it was "a small amount." The Obama campaign said it paid Citizens' Services, who in turn paid $80,000 to ACORN. The two groups share offices in New Orleans.

We can confirm through campaign finance public records that Obama paid Citizens' Services, but we can't independently confirm what part of the contract ACORN actually received, so we are not ruling on that statement. We're including the facts of the matter here for our readers to consider for themselves.

still waiting for skidcan or any other lib who has defended the OP to explain exactly what this white privilege is, because i want to be privy to it because i sure as heck don't have that privilege
Bill Clinton was also called inexperienced and proved to be the best President of the last quarter of the 20th century. What's your point?

The best President of the last quarter? I would disagree, he would be second best behind Reagan.

In the last half of the century it would be Ike, then Reagan, Clinton, JFK

The worst would be BushII followed closely by Carter and Nixon.
The best President of the last quarter? I would disagree, he would be second best behind Reagan.

In the last half of the century it would be Ike, then Reagan, Clinton, JFK

The worst would be BushII followed closely by Carter and Nixon.

How do you possibly come to putting JFK on the list of the best?
How do you possibly come to putting JFK on the list of the best?

I said of the past 50 years....

That includes Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton (and I also tagged lil Bush in that group though technically he was not a part of the last half of the century)

So out of that list... besides Ike, Reagan and Clinton... who would you put ahead of JFK?
I said of the past 50 years....

That includes Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton (and I also tagged lil Bush in that group though technically he was not a part of the last half of the century)

So out of that list... besides Ike, Reagan and Clinton... who would you put ahead of JFK?

For all his faults and in spite of the whole Watergate thing, I'd put Nixon before JFK.

Setting aside the afore mentioned faults, it was Nixon who opened formal relations with Communist China, created détente with the Soviet Union, signed the SALT Treaty, negotiated an end to the Vietnam war, created the EPA, declared the "War on Cancer," ordered a halt to the production and Research & Development of U.S. chemical weapons, took the first steps to end the draft, lowered the voting age to 18, he was the only President to achieve a balanced national budget between 1961 and 1998, he supported the Equal Rights Ammendment, and he signed the bill prohibiting cigarette commercials, just to name a few. All of this is overlooked because of Watergate and paranoia revealed after his death. Does he deserve criticism for the break in? Absolutlely. But do the good things deserve to be forgotten?
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For all his faults and in spite of the whole Watergate thing, I'd put Nixon before JFK.

Setting aside the afore mentioned faults, it was Nixon who opened formal relations with Communist China, created détente with the Soviet Union, signed the SALT Treaty, negotiated an end to the Vietnam war, created the EPA, declared the "War on Cancer," ordered a halt to the production and Research & Development of U.S. chemical weapons, took the first steps to end the draft, lowered the voting age to 18, he was the only President to achieve a balanced national budget between 1961 and 1998, he signed the Equal Rights Ammendment, and he signed the bill prohibiting cigarette commercials, just to name a few. All of this is overlooked because of Watergate and paranoia revealed after his death. Does he deserve criticism for the break in? Absolutlely. But do the good things deserve to be forgotten?

I'm pretty sure that Nixon did not balance the budget. And presidents have no role in "signing" amendments - maybe you meant he supported it?
For all his faults and in spite of the whole Watergate thing, I'd put Nixon before JFK.

Setting aside the afore mentioned faults, it was Nixon who opened formal relations with Communist China, created détente with the Soviet Union, signed the SALT Treaty, negotiated an end to the Vietnam war, created the EPA, declared the "War on Cancer," ordered a halt to the production and Research & Development of U.S. chemical weapons, took the first steps to end the draft, lowered the voting age to 18, he was the only President to achieve a balanced national budget between 1961 and 1998, he supported the Equal Rights Ammendment, and he signed the bill prohibiting cigarette commercials, just to name a few. All of this is overlooked because of Watergate and paranoia revealed after his death. Does he deserve criticism for the break in? Absolutlely. But do the good things deserve to be forgotten?

No, the good things should not be forgotten. However, Watergate was enough for me to drop him down below JFK. Side note... regardless of a 'balanced budget'... Nixon still raised the nations debt each year in office. Which means he ran ACTUAL deficits. Ike was the last President to put up an ACTUAL reduction in our nations debt fiscal year over year.
This is Your Nation on White Privilege

By Tim Wise

"For those who still can’t grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples of it, perhaps this list will help.

White privilege is when you can get pregnant at seventeen like Bristol Palin and everyone is quick to insist that your life and that of your family is a personal matter, and that no one has a right to judge you or your parents, because “every family has challenges,” even as black and Latino families with similar “challenges” are regularly typified as irresponsible, pathological and arbiters of social decay.

White privilege is when you can call yourself a “fuckin’ redneck,” like Bristol Palin’s boyfriend does, and talk about how if anyone messes with you, you'll “kick their fuckin' ass,” and talk about how you like to “shoot shit” for fun, and still be viewed as a responsible, all-American boy (and a great son-in-law to be) rather than a thug.

White privilege is when you can attend four different colleges in six years like Sarah Palin did (one of which you basically failed out of, then returned to after making up some coursework at a community college), and no one questions your intelligence or commitment to achievement, whereas a person of color who did this would be viewed as unfit for college, and probably someone who only got in in the first place because of affirmative action."



The truth is like sunlight to a vampire for the knee jerk bigots, racists and a section of those who embrace the PNAC agenda. Watch them squirm, sputter, deny and fume!:cof1:
Ahh thank god we can still judge someone just by the color of their skin.

You do realize that why you are trying to be sarcastic, some of your friends or relatives or family members would take that quote as gospel.

Wise is DEAD ON TARGET.....reality can be a real bitch sometimes.
I'm guessing you didn't look at all, and if you did, I suggest you didn't look that hard:

Interestingly, he didn't really answer the question asked by Cooper, he concentrated on her position as Mayor of Wasilla, completely ignoring her position as Governor of Alaska. In his answer, he seems to believe that merely voting on a bill and being the candidate in a campaign managed by others is sufficient experience.

Even more interesting, the headline for the CNN story is more than slightly misleading:

Obama defends natural disaster experience

There is barely a mention of "natural disaster" experience in the piece.

Personally, I do not believe that either one of them was or is qualified to sit in the big chair. If Palin were to simply fade away into political obscurity, well, it would bother me not at all.

You would be wrong. Since I wasn't at all familiar with this particular event, I didn't enter it accurately enough into the search engine. Now I've been informed.
Afghanistan is a war he said must be won. Obama has done nothing but twiddle his thumbs while men and women risk their lives waiting for him to lead...instead it's off to Denmark, do all the Sunday morning shows and most fun of all Lat Night with Letterman...so presidential.:rolleyes:

the Shrub took the MOST vacation time of ANY President in history. His Daddy's connections got him into the champaign unit of the Texas National Guard, and he takes off a month without permission to boot. Then he chickenhawks and unnecessary and illegal invasion/occupation of a country that had NOTHING to do with Al Qaeda or 9/11....NOT firing the incompetant Rummy who's inept plan cost more American lives after we "won" and "got 'em". Swaggering in a flight suit wasted time and expense for the military......shaking Brownie's hand during a crisis for a fucking photo op diverted national guards from rescuing people.

FACTS that you prefer not to deal with......you're pathetic!
still waiting for skidcan or any other lib who has defended the OP to explain exactly what this white privilege is, because i want to be privy to it because i sure as heck don't have that privilege

Post 38. And let me add how some people excoriated the entire Muslim world over 9/11, yet the same thing doesn't happen over criminal or terrorist acts by white people.
the Shrub took the MOST vacation time of ANY President in history. His Daddy's connections got him into the champaign unit of the Texas National Guard, and he takes off a month without permission to boot. Then he chickenhawks and unnecessary and illegal invasion/occupation of a country that had NOTHING to do with Al Qaeda or 9/11....NOT firing the incompetant Rummy who's inept plan cost more American lives after we "won" and "got 'em". Swaggering in a flight suit wasted time and expense for the military......shaking Brownie's hand during a crisis for a fucking photo op diverted national guards from rescuing people.

FACTS that you prefer not to deal with......you're pathetic!
How ironic. LOL
the Shrub took the MOST vacation time of ANY President in history. His Daddy's connections got him into the champaign unit of the Texas National Guard, and he takes off a month without permission to boot. Then he chickenhawks and unnecessary and illegal invasion/occupation of a country that had NOTHING to do with Al Qaeda or 9/11....NOT firing the incompetant Rummy who's inept plan cost more American lives after we "won" and "got 'em". Swaggering in a flight suit wasted time and expense for the military......shaking Brownie's hand during a crisis for a fucking photo op diverted national guards from rescuing people.

FACTS that you prefer not to deal with......you're pathetic!

bush's stupid, cavalier comment during Katrina, where thousands lost their homes, belongings and even friends and family: "Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott's house -- he's lost his entire house -- there's going to be a fantastic house. And I'm looking forward to sitting on the porch."

Could he have gotten any more 'Marie Antoinette' than that?