White Supremacy Explained.


Don't worry. It was a trick title. Because I have no intention of explaining it to you for two reasons. For one, you are too comfortable being suckers-slaves to want it explained to you. And secondly, the suckerers-enslavers (one of which is this forum) would never allow it. But just for you to wet your whistle a little, I will show you some pictures of some real "racism" and "supremacy" in action. Make of it what you will.


Don't worry. It was a trick title. Because I have no intention of explaining it to you for two reasons. For one, you are too comfortable being suckers-slaves to want it explained to you. And secondly, the suckerers-enslavers (one of which is this forum) would never allow it. But just for you to wet your whistle a little, I will show you some pictures of some real "racism" and "supremacy" in action. Make of it what you will.

It is far more likely you are too inarticulate and mentally composed to place a reasonable argument and set of facts forward on the subject as your pictures tend to confirm.
It is far more likely you are too inarticulate and mentally composed to place a reasonable argument and set of facts forward on the subject as your pictures tend to confirm.

Well I can make a suggestion for a forum where I can speak openly. If you would like to find out just how wrong you are, just send me a PM. I'll tell you what the forum is and meet you there for some debate.
It's Cultsmasher's latest attempt to evade his permanent ban.

I see that next to your avatar it says, "Doesn't break the rules." Translation? "Willing to suck ass." So see if you can come up with something better than a soc accusation. Maybe even try commenting on my thread.
Tis da smasha! Show us some troof, smasha!
Is it a crescent moon?

Blow me. The "troof" is the pictures. In the animal kingdom, such separatism is the norm. And we are just part of the animal kingdom. Though compared to people like you, such creatures are more highly evolved.
Why do you all keep going on about cultsmasher. Just how afraid are you of him. If he was banned from here, refresh one of his threads. I would like to see why.

Afraid? That's not going to help to make that comment. Cultsmasher is a banned poster that tries to return all the time to troll obscure shit and flaunt like a peacock that took a hit to the noggin. Don't worry, If you're not Cultsmasher you'll be fine. If you are then you know what's going to happen. I'm going to keep possible tells of why you look like Cultsmasher quiet until mods chime in since I wouldn't want to chance aiding Cultsmasher. I'm sure Legion has brought you to their attention since sniffing out Cultsmasher is sort of a JPP pastime for him.
Well I can make a suggestion for a forum where I can speak openly. If you would like to find out just how wrong you are, just send me a PM. I'll tell you what the forum is and meet you there for some debate.

You can speak only here. Give it a shot.
Blow me. The "troof" is the pictures. In the animal kingdom, such separatism is the norm. And we are just part of the animal kingdom. Though compared to people like you, such creatures are more highly evolved.

Fuck off, you cretinous POS!
Why do you all keep going on about cultsmasher. Just how afraid are you of him. If he was banned from here, refresh one of his threads. I would like to see why.

I ain't ..well I wasn't mad at you if were cultsmasher, but now you done pissed me off!
Go fuck yourself with a saguaro, bitchboy!
Right. When did you become a moderator.

I'm not a moderator. But there is nothing stopping you from giving your opinion. You could have expressed those opinions in all the posts you have claimed someone is not letting you speak.
Don't worry. It was a trick title. Because I have no intention of explaining it to you for two reasons. For one, you are too comfortable being suckers-slaves to want it explained to you. And secondly, the suckerers-enslavers (one of which is this forum) would never allow it. But just for you to wet your whistle a little, I will show you some pictures of some real "racism" and "supremacy" in action. Make of it what you will.

White Supremacy needs to be defined for the same reason Socialism needs to be defined. It's used to smear pretty much anyone.