Hmm, closer inspection is needed here. From 2020:

Building border walls and barriers: What the research says​

Are border walls effective at deterring migrants? Do they harm wildlife? How are indigenous groups in the area impacted? We explain the research.

We now get lied to by the "experts" constantly.
"The science says that you should social distance 6 feet".

"If you get the jabs you will not transmit COVID, you will save Grandma"

Fiction...and they knew it was fiction.
Hmm, closer inspection is needed here. From 2020:

Building border walls and barriers: What the research says​

Are border walls effective at deterring migrants? Do they harm wildlife? How are indigenous groups in the area impacted? We explain the research.

From your source:

Over the years, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has cited reductions in border apprehensions as evidence of the barrier’s effectiveness. It offers this example: When it installed fencing near Yuma, Arizona, the number of people caught crossing the border without permission plunged 90%.

What it, in fact, argues is that a border wall combined with adequate patrolling and strict enforcement--to include arrest, detention, and prompt deportation--will significantly reduce illegal immigration and drug smuggling.
From your source:

Over the years, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has cited reductions in border apprehensions as evidence of the barrier’s effectiveness. It offers this example: When it installed fencing near Yuma, Arizona, the number of people caught crossing the border without permission plunged 90%.

What it, in fact, argues is that a border wall combined with adequate patrolling and strict enforcement--to include arrest, detention, and prompt deportation--will significantly reduce illegal immigration and drug smuggling.
What it in fact, cements is that Cheeto Jeezus actions FAILED to produce the results he promised ON CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALL ALONE!

Here's another reason why he failed. Note the serious contradiction to the MAGA/Teabagger/Fibbertarian/Neocon/Alt-Right credo regarding "sovereign citizen" land rights & property.

What it in fact, cements is that Cheeto Jeezus actions FAILED to produce the results he promised ON CONSTRUCTION OF THE WALL ALONE!

Here's another reason why he failed. Note the serious contradiction to the MAGA/Teabagger/Fibbertarian/Neocon/Alt-Right credo regarding "sovereign citizen" land rights & property.

Again, your position is nothing but an irrelevant appeal to accomplishment.

You'd say the same thing if Trump managed to build all but say, 5 miles of wall. Your position amounts to Well, he didn't build that five miles so he failed to build a wall.

Or, that building a complete wall would take say 10 years to complete and he got four years of construction done towards it and you claim that as a failure.

Walls completed helped secure the border, that I clearly demonstrated and sourced. That Trump didn't finish the entire wall doesn't make what he did finish a failure. It isn't like a high-speed rail line where 20% got completed and is unusable because the other 80% never got built. A border wall doesn't work that way. It isn't an all-or-nothing proposition.
Again, your position is nothing but an irrelevant appeal to accomplishment.

You'd say the same thing if Trump managed to build all but say, 5 miles of wall. Your position amounts to Well, he didn't build that five miles so he failed to build a wall.

Or, that building a complete wall would take say 10 years to complete and he got four years of construction done towards it and you claim that as a failure.

Walls completed helped secure the border, that I clearly demonstrated and sourced. That Trump didn't finish the entire wall doesn't make what he did finish a failure. It isn't like a high-speed rail line where 20% got completed and is unusable because the other 80% never got built. A border wall doesn't work that way. It isn't an all-or-nothing proposition.
You keep stupidly trying to tell people that up is actually down, and black is actually white. Let's apply your insipidly stubborn nonsense to a real life situation:

Boss: Johnson, did you complete that project?

Johnson: Sure boss, got the report right here.

Boss: Johnson, this report shows that the project has NOT reached it's goal by a substantial margin. And the funding didn't originate from sources that were noted. What is your explanation?

Johnson: Well boss, the sources stated weren't actually confirmed in the proposal and they chose not to provide the funding. And although we didn't come near the projected margin of success, we did some "shoring up" of older points and created a version of the projected product. It should be passable until we can find more funding.

Boss: So in effect, we didn't meet the goal, we didn't get the funding, and the project is far from complete. And you think our shareholders will stand for this?

Johnson: I don't see why not if advertising sells it right. I just need to be reinstated as project manager, and I'll make it happen.

Boss: You're fired.
Again, your position is nothing but an irrelevant appeal to accomplishment.

You'd say the same thing if Trump managed to build all but say, 5 miles of wall. Your position amounts to Well, he didn't build that five miles so he failed to build a wall.

Or, that building a complete wall would take say 10 years to complete and he got four years of construction done towards it and you claim that as a failure.

Walls completed helped secure the border, that I clearly demonstrated and sourced. That Trump didn't finish the entire wall doesn't make what he did finish a failure. It isn't like a high-speed rail line where 20% got completed and is unusable because the other 80% never got built. A border wall doesn't work that way. It isn't an all-or-nothing proposition.
Walls are political talking points that work on simple people. Trump built 27 miles of wall in 4 years. Biden tore none of it down, so the wall is the same. The border patrol is the same. The judges and courts are the same. When Orangeman was in office, Covid was a world problem and fewer people were going to relocate. R
The wall is just as useless now as it was back then.
Walls are political talking points that work on simple people. Trump built 27 miles of wall in 4 years. Biden tore none of it down, so the wall is the same. The border patrol is the same. The judges and courts are the same. When Orangeman was in office, Covid was a world problem and fewer people were going to relocate. R
The wall is just as useless now as it was back then.
Both your figures and conclusions are either lies or bullshit. Trump built, like it or not, 458 miles of wall. Much of that replaced existing vehicle barriers and other marginal border fencing with the more substantial bollard type wall. Where it was installed, it was effective particularly when regularly patrolled.

Walls aren't just "political talking points." Walls work and many other nations have used them in part to secure their borders too.
Both your figures and conclusions are either lies or bullshit. Trump built, like it or not, 458 miles of wall. Much of that replaced existing vehicle barriers and other marginal border fencing with the more substantial bollard type wall. Where it was installed, it was effective particularly when regularly patrolled.

Walls aren't just "political talking points." Walls work and many other nations have used them in part to secure their borders too.
You are wrong. https://www.politifact.com/factchec...ny-miles-of-border-wall-did-donald-trump-bui/
From your opinion piece that you didn't read:

The total number of border wall miles built during Trump’s administration varies based on how it’s counted. One count, based on U.S. Customs and Border Protection data, puts the total at 458 miles. But the majority of those additions replaced existing smaller, dilapidated barriers and did not add to the total miles of barriers along the southern border.

What Trump hating Politifact did was conflate replacement of vehicle barriers and minor fencing, like three strand barbed wire, with new wall construction. Even by their numbers, Trump completed 485 miles of bollard fencing and barrier fencing like this:


On the right of the photo is typical previous vehicle barrier that was replaced. So, their claim that only 52 miles of border fence were completed is a full of shit lie predicated on a logical fallacy using trivial objections, typical of the opinion writers at Politifact who aren't fucking fact checkers but just run of the mill political opinion writers.
For almost a year during the 2016 preidential campaign we all had to listen to that lconstantly repeated, childish bullshit from Trump about, "What are we gonna build?" and "Who is going to pay for it?" To which the MAGA morons screamed in reply, "A wall" and "Mexico."

Trump DID NOT build the wall...and Mexico did not pay for the tiny bit he managed to get done.

Those are the facts.

They hurt the Trump asskissers.

They should.

It is time for the Trump asskissers to wake up!