"Whites" to become minority in USA by 2042


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Asian, Hispanic Population Growth Slows

WASHINGTON (May 14) — Deterred by immigration laws and the lackluster economy, the population growth of Hispanics and Asians in the U.S. has slowed unexpectedly, causing the government to push back estimates on when minorities will become the majority by as much as a decade. The Census Bureau projected last August that white children will become the minority in 2023 and the overall white population will follow in 2042.

They wouldn't be the majority of the population but they'll still be the plurality for a long time to come.

To celebrate the fact that whites will stay the majority longer just proves what a racist asshole this guy is.
Asian, Hispanic Population Growth Slows

WASHINGTON (May 14) — Deterred by immigration laws and the lackluster economy, the population growth of Hispanics and Asians in the U.S. has slowed unexpectedly, causing the government to push back estimates on when minorities will become the majority by as much as a decade. The Census Bureau projected last August that white children will become the minority in 2023 and the overall white population will follow in 2042.


Unless someone is afraid that the other races will treat the white race in the same fashion as other minorities have been treated, I do not see why anyone would worry, that is unless someone is just an out and out racist, but then no one here is that right?
Unless someone is afraid that the other races will treat the white race in the same fashion as other minorities have been treated, I do not see why anyone would worry, that is unless someone is just an out and out racist, but then no one here is that right?

but minorities are automatically discriminated against. OR will that all change when white people are beaten back? Now the the true masters of the earth are in control. The Jews and their Racist empire.

Z.O.G. is real.

Death to nonbelievers.

Olam Ha Ba forever.
I see watermarx is still hoping that free america dies burning in flames so he can once again enjoy the public order of totalitarianism.

More minorities = totalitarianism.

Well, I really hope you guys do drive our economy into the ground, so that no one wants to come here, and we do remain white forever.
More minorities = totalitarianism.

Well, I really hope you guys do drive our economy into the ground, so that no one wants to come here, and we do remain white forever.

Using a perversion of justice to sculpt the racial mix of a population according to politics, is definitely totalitarian.
but minorities are automatically discriminated against. OR will that all change when white people are beaten back? Now the the true masters of the earth are in control. The Jews and their Racist empire.

Z.O.G. is real.

Death to nonbelievers.

Olam Ha Ba forever.

It sounds like you think that we as a Nation have not progressed in the last two hundred and thirty-three years, if that is so it would be our fault. As to your erroneous comment about the Jewish people, I think I understand your problem; you are afraid that everyone else shares your hate. Well, I am here to tell you that is not true of real Conservatives nor real Liberals and most certainly not true of real Christians. I shall pray for you. Oh, remember Jesus is that Jewish guy.

It sounds like you think that we as a Nation have not progressed in the last two hundred and thirty-three years, if that is so it would be our fault. As to your erroneous comment about the Jewish people, I think I understand your problem; you are afraid that everyone else shares your hate. Well, I am here to tell you that is not true of real Conservatives nor real Liberals and most certainly not true of real Christians. I shall pray for you. Oh, remember Jesus is that Jewish guy.


Chaining your fate to sworn military enemies through the idiocy of globalization is not conservatism or progress; it's self destruction.

Destroying the futures of entire swaths of middle class workers for the sake of corporate profits is not conservatism or progress either.
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