"Whites" to become minority in USA by 2042

Unless someone is afraid that the other races will treat the white race in the same fashion as other minorities have been treated, I do not see why anyone would worry, that is unless someone is just an out and out racist, but then no one here is that right?

Apropos of nothing, I'd like to know how many past predictions going 40 or more years into the future have actually panned out. Even 10 or 20 years, for that matter.
I started predicticting our current finiancial troubles around 10 years ago.

A house built of straw will not long survive.
So just as an example, in 1969 somebody predicted that there would be a large influx of Hispanics into the population in 2009?

Yep, and twenty some odd years ago, Americans woke up to the fact that caucasians are NOT the majority population world wide. Then there were all these predictions that Hispanics would be the majority population in America by 2030 or so. Again, I have to wonder what's all the hub bub about, and essentially :gives:
Did I even mention Hispanics?

I don't have the figures for 2009, but between 2000 and 2006, Hispanics were 1/2 of the nations growth and the Hispanic growth rate was more than 3 times the growth rate of the total population.

So just as an example, in 1969 somebody predicted that there would be a large influx of Hispanics into the population in 2009?