Who are some of your favorite Jazz musicians all-time?

Ha-ha! The line in that song that always got me is, "There's a killer on the road, his brain is squirming like a toad". What strange imagery!

Yes! Jim Morrison referred to reptiles a lot.

I think it's a little funny how Ray Manzerek had to play the bassline to the song with his left hand on the Fender Rhodes keyboard- When they played the song live. But Jim Morrison produced the band at the time, and he wrote the bassline to that song.ANd of course the Doors did not have a bass man.

So Jim wanted to hire a bass guy to do the studio album so he hired his friend Jeff Scheff to do the part. Jeff Scheff told Jim Morrison, "You expect me to play that bassline- are you fucking crazy"?

Jim simply told him, "You either play them the way I write them- or GTFO"! LOL!