Who are some of your favorite New Wave/Punk muscians from the late 1970's to the.....

Re Talking Heads: I dont listen to them much anymore, have not in a long time, but there was about ten years mostly in my 20's when I listened to them far more than anyone else.

I was mesmerized, on par almost with Miles Davis, my adoration of Miles coming later.

My tastes changed.
Re Talking Heads: I dont listen to them much anymore, have not in a long time, but there was about ten years mostly in my 20's when I listened to them far more than anyone else.

I was mesmerized, on par almost with Miles Davis, my adoration of Miles coming later.

My tastes changed.

I know exactly what you mean about changing tastes in music. Up until quite recently I had very little interest in be-bop or hard-bop jazz from the 50's and 60's. I listened to a bit of John Coltrane's A Love Supreme on YouTube a few weeks ago, and I was impressed. I now own A Love Supreme on CD, which I just received in the mail yesterday. I like it a LOT. I wouldn't have imagined liking this music just five years ago. A person's taste really CAN change over the years. I also really like Kind Of Blue by Miles.
I know exactly what you mean about changing tastes in music. Up until quite recently I had very little interest in be-bop or hard-bop jazz from the 50's and 60's. I listened to a bit of John Coltrane's A Love Supreme on YouTube a few weeks ago, and I was impressed. I now own A Love Supreme on CD, which I just received in the mail yesterday. I like it a LOT. I wouldn't have imagined liking this music just five years ago. A person's taste really CAN change over the years. I also really like Kind Of Blue by Miles.

Its because we change....hopefully....hopefully we grow and blossom......A lot of people for all intents and purposes die at some point as their biology still lives....they are dead inside....those people dont have their music tastes change much.
Its because we change....hopefully....hopefully we grow and blossom......A lot of people for all intents and purposes die at some point as their biology still lives....they are dead inside....those people dont have their music tastes change much.

Wow, you really are a wise soul. I WISH I had your wisdom. I believe I AM becoming wiser as I get older, so THAT'S a good thing. I'm not QUITE a real "wise guy" just yet!;)
Wow, you really are a wise soul. I WISH I had your wisdom. I BELIEVE I AM becoming wiser as I get older, so THAT'S a good thing. I'm not QUITE a real "wise guy" just yet!;)

Ya.....there are several long stories on how that happened....stories that almost never get told....some of them have never been told.

I was set on this path by the time I was four years old, part of it was my nature, some of it was were I found myself, including the family I was born into.

I have devoted my life to figuring out what is True, and what is Not True.