Who are the Dan Carlin fans??

It's too bad his podcasts are so infrequent. I don't see why he doesn't split his history podcasts up into 30 minute to hour long chunks instead of releasing one massive 4 hour long audiobook every 4 or so months.
Because his podcast have very broad themes and are told in a narrative format which loses continuity in 30 minute sounds bites for the ADD impaired.
It takes a true historian to present history like that. Nicely stated.
One of my favorite history writers used a narrative approach like Carlin to excellent effect but with far more detail (and footnoting of primary and secondary sources) on his historical novels of frontier America in the late 18th century. He would use actual primary sources to reconstruct dialogue to advance the narrative pace of his books. Caught a lot of flack from the academic community and for propagating some significant errors but the overwhelming majority of his work is credible and his books are a joy to read since for many they cover the frontier history of where they live.
Dan Carlin is not a historian, he is an entertainer. There are actually a lot of errors in his history podcasts.
Name one historian who doesn't. Carlin isn't an academic historian but he's done more to popularize learning history that a whole shit load of academics have, recently, and that's not a bad thing.
Name one historian who doesn't. Carlin isn't an academic historian but he's done more to popularize learning history that a whole shit load of academics have, recently, and that's not a bad thing.

I am a fan of historical fiction.
That's why I read all anatta's posts.
His take on history is fictional.