Who are the most insightful political commentators?

Bush bashing? Who does that? I mean afterall who would attempt to bash a President who has maintained and continues to try to maintain a strong economy while defending our people from current and future threats to our survival as a free society?

That's aside of from the beltway Pelosi, Reid, Gore liberal types who have yet to initiate a single beneficial policy or direction for America.
how do you keep your head from slipping all the way up to your waist. You are so far up Bushes ass he must think he has something stuck in his throat. Only about 28% of the population believe anything that C student wanna be has done was to defend us from current or future threats. War in a country that had more to lose from Islamists than he did from us till we got made up stories about Yellow Cake and Alumimum tubes and mobile chemical labs and WMD's. This is where you cue up that Clinton believed he had them in 1998 and I then tell you you should never go to war with 5 year old intel. This guy has worn the US Military so thin that the Army that I served in now HAS to accept felons to maintain its numbers. Only in a right wing fantasy world is that success.
I can't stand to listen to liberial commentators for more than about 1/2 hour---but I try--I really do.

Now it is your turn to listen to Glen Beck and Savage.

Rush and Hannity are nothing but puppets for the right (but have good points about the left)--but they won't admitt it.

we are all Americans and what makes America strong is all our voices and I refuse to talk politely about a Presidetn who repetedly lied to the American people.

Then we are going to have to elect people that are not from the elite class--but our rigged system makes it really hard for them to win. I don't remember the last president or most elected officials that have not lied to us.

The only candidates we have that may fit the truth bill that I can see is Tompson and Paul.

And sir---nobody lies to us more than the Clinton machine IMO.
I hear Billy was not rich when he got into politics--and now he has more offshore tax free accounts than organized crime. How do you think a politician got so rich on political wages? Do you believe he did it honestly?
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we are all Americans and what makes America strong is all our voices and I refuse to talk politely about a Presidetn who repetedly lied to the American people.

Yes our voices do make us strong but the truth is what makes us legitimate. For you to deny the facts that the Presidents has addressed and than call it lying is a shameful denial of reality on your part.

You may disagree but to call those disagreements lies demonstrates a Michael Moore mentality that ignores facts, avoides reality and puts us all in danger.

People try to use baseless arguments such as " He has practically set the Islamic World against the West". They cast such aspersions in the face of facts which prove otherwise. They make such charges despite the fact that several so-called Islamic nations are and remain to be allies. They throw such a charge about as if the jihad that Middle East extremists declared on the United States occurred because of George Bush. The fact is that the Islamic extremists have hated the U.S. Long before George W. Bush ever entered the political stage. Yet the liberal American extremists ignore this fact and claim that Middle East, religious, fundamentalists became enemiesof America because of George W. Bush.

To further discredit the President, the brainwashed, left turns to Michaael Moore to prove their case. They seek affirmation from not any factual evidence but rather from opinionated recreations of history conjured up in ther mind of a Hollywood elitist whose only claim to fame his own biased opinion.

They use Moore to try to say that Operation Iraqi Freedom was simply an event to put oil money in the pockets of the Bush and Cheney families. Such claims are made despite the fact that there is not a dime of increased revenue into either's pockets from oil operations in Iraq or anywhere else for that matter. The word "divestment" actually disproves such a charge but evidence and facts matter not to the leftwing, propogandists hellbent on advancing their dreams more than dealing with reality.

Americas radical left tries to tout that we went to war with Iraq over weapons of mass destruction that did not exist.

This charge is leveled despite all the pre-war evidence that made everyone from the Clintons to Al Gore and John Kerry to offer support for removing Saddam Hussien from power and eliminating the pending threat from his wmd programs. It also ignores the post war evdence that was discovered and showed that they were there. Such evidence was found in the spring of 2006 when over 500 missile casings were found in Iraq. These missiles were constructed for the purposes of carrying gasses yet these facts are ignored by the extremists in America's left field.

They also ignore the satelite pictures showing massive deployments of supplies from Iraq and into Syria during the days proir to Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Despite any and all evidence to the contrary America's liberal jihadists hang George W. Bush with the same disdain that the Iraqi government hung Saddam Hussien with.

With a reckless disregard for facts and a well intended hankering for distortions the left labels all thing Bush anti-peace, anti-American and anti-people.

They claim that his tax plans and economic proposals which restored our economy and built it up were aimed at only the rich oil barrons. They claim that our fighting the terrorists on their own soil has made us more vulnerable and puts us in danger. This they say as if fighting them in the skies over D.C. Or in the streets of New York is a better strategy.

The bottom line is this, partisan, leftwing hacks who idolize the Michael Moore's of the world and cry out "Bush lied and soldiers died" have become so blind with hate that they themselves cannot discern between fact and fiction. There is so much informnation out there that non of it is sifted through in it's entirety. If the factual information out there was looked at in completion than rational, sincincere, unbiased people could understand the distinctions between the reality of what George Bush has done for America and what the American radicals are trying to do to America.

Our economy remains vigorous, unemployment remains at levels that were once considered nonexistent and our war on terror continues to thwart the hidden cowards that threaten our land.

We remain prosperous and secure while the left screams in the wind. We have a President that makes decisions based upon what is best for the nation not what is best for his public opinion rating. We have a President who has advanced the cause of freedom more than anyone since Ronald Reagan and we have a President that has advanced the quality of life of all Americans.

If one is truly sincere they cannot turn a blind eye to the facts and than call addressing reality a lie.
I agree. The middle east hates America because we've been interfering in THEIR politics for a LONG time - Iran would be a democracy right now if it weren't for America. Better to undo the harm and pull out. Bush has made thigns twice as worse as they ever were before. He has undone the economic progress of Clinton, curtailed our freedoms more than any president in America. IMHO, he's a traitor that deserves nothing more than a heart attack.