Actually, this load of steaming horseshit isn’t even worth a reply, but what the hell mostly everything on political sites today isn’t worthy of reply especially coming from the left.
As usual the leftist tactical plan here is to outrageously insult and accuse the right of the very definition and actions of the leftist themselves. Well champ, if there is a champ of bassackwards thought, it’s sure as hell the leftist insanity they spew and puke every day. Just watch the Democrat politicians, especially the likes of AOC and The Squad, lies, insane accusations, ridiculous and absurd solutions for real issues, promoting abolishing free speech, promoting violence on anybody that disagrees with them and their insane Trump Hate radicalism. Just turn on MSNBC or CNN and watch the Trump Hate drip from those inflicted diseased lips that operate there.
Yea! If you want to see the crazed insane hate puking bastards just watch the left.