Who are the people that populate the right wing, what drives them?


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yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion. That would define this countries biggest threat and all American patriots have to take control away from this ugliness.
Some are people with no defenses against a conman. They believe with a religious zeal and think anyone who does not agree is an apostate. They take the other side as evil. Most know that a person who is conned is the last one to figure it out. People who are taken by phone cons are pissed when the police stop it because they believe they had millions coming their way.
Trump has revealed himself for all to see and it is ugly. He lies and cons every day. Some of us look at him and are shocked that people think he makes a great president. We will be lucky to escape him and he has shown the serious flaws in our system.
These are the people who bought in to Trump university. Hard to see they cannot figure out Trump.
The man is not allowed to run a charity anymore because he looted his.
Who are the people that populate the right wing, what drives them?



I think the biggest group is the Christian Jihadis. The ones that want to bring Christian Sharia to America. They may realize that Trump is Evil, but they have decided that selling their Souls is worth it.
yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion. That would define this countries biggest threat and all American patriots have to take control away from this ugliness.

Taxpayers mainly.
I think the biggest group is the Christian Jihadis. The ones that want to bring Christian Sharia to America. They may realize that Trump is Evil, but they have decided that selling their Souls is worth it.

You will be forced to pray and go to church every Sunday. But we will let you pick your denomination

Once Trump is re-elected we have super plans for you. You can come peacefully or we can do it the hard way
You will be forced to pray and go to church every Sunday. But we will let you pick your denomination

Once Trump is re-elected we have super plans for you. You can come peacefully or we can do it the hard way

Not just every Sunday morning, but Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. We will force him to sing in the choir. We will also brand a cross on his forehead. We will beat his sorry and unrepentant ass into submission with a red-hot chain. If he refuses he will be bound with razor wire, forced to look at naked pictures of Owl Woman and will be sacrificed on a coal fired alter.

yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion. That would define this countries biggest threat and all American patriots have to take control away from this ugliness.

I hate wasteful big government. You?
yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion. That would define this countries biggest threat and all American patriots have to take control away from this ugliness.

Actually, this load of steaming horseshit isn’t even worth a reply, but what the hell mostly everything on political sites today isn’t worthy of reply especially coming from the left.

As usual the leftist tactical plan here is to outrageously insult and accuse the right of the very definition and actions of the leftist themselves. Well champ, if there is a champ of bassackwards thought, it’s sure as hell the leftist insanity they spew and puke every day. Just watch the Democrat politicians, especially the likes of AOC and The Squad, lies, insane accusations, ridiculous and absurd solutions for real issues, promoting abolishing free speech, promoting violence on anybody that disagrees with them and their insane Trump Hate radicalism. Just turn on MSNBC or CNN and watch the Trump Hate drip from those inflicted diseased lips that operate there.

Yea! If you want to see the crazed insane hate puking bastards just watch the left.
yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion. That would define this countries biggest threat and all American patriots have to take control away from this ugliness.

This completely sums it up.

I hate wasteful big government. You?

Doesn't pass the laugh test.

You stood on the sidelines cheering as taxpayers were made to spend trillions invading and occupying iraq
And you undoubtedly have never posted the slightest remorse for doing so
Actually, this load of steaming horseshit isn’t even worth a reply, but what the hell mostly everything on political sites today isn’t worthy of reply especially coming from the left.

As usual the leftist tactical plan here is to outrageously insult and accuse the right of the very definition and actions of the leftist themselves. Well champ, if there is a champ of bassackwards thought, it’s sure as hell the leftist insanity they spew and puke every day. Just watch the Democrat politicians, especially the likes of AOC and The Squad, lies, insane accusations, ridiculous and absurd solutions for real issues, promoting abolishing free speech, promoting violence on anybody that disagrees with them and their insane Trump Hate radicalism. Just turn on MSNBC or CNN and watch the Trump Hate drip from those inflicted diseased lips that operate there.

Yea! If you want to see the crazed insane hate puking bastards just watch the left.
Love you Nazi wannabee folks , It's like watching the clown car in center ring at the circus. We will only waste our time with you one issue showing how fucking stupid you are, Violence---In 2018 there was 50 hate crimes murders, none were done by Mexicans ,none where done by blacks, none were done by Muslims, non were done by Democrats all 50 were murderers from your Nazi wannabee group. Every one of you pieces of shit are this countries biggest threat and enemy and you have to be disposed of.
yup- Circles are square, up is down, right is left, wrong is right, Hate is love, Good is bad, add in the fact that the hate group they call a party makes its decisions by hate, hate is their logic. Hate is their religion. That would define this countries biggest threat and all American patriots have to take control away from this ugliness.



You will be forced to pray and go to church every Sunday. But we will let you pick your denomination

Once Trump is re-elected we have super plans for you. You can come peacefully or we can do it the hard way
Well look who is here, Dr puss face is coming out from under his rock. Now listen puss face, no promoting sexual acts with people's own mothers or dogs, that's your trip but I don't want you trying to promote these issues here.